MP and ITUNES at the same time? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
Houston, TX
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
I am happy there is some interest in iTunes compatability (seems our brothers over in Europe aren't as iTunes addicted as us..)

I have my m4v files linked to Quicktime. This works fine. My only gripe is that when clicking on a m4v file from within mediaportal, Quicktime will appear on top of MP, i.e. what we are missing is embedding of QT.

I agree, but I think the real problem is that the QuickTime Player has no way of launching directly into full-screen. I've mapped the OK key on my remote control to change QT into full-screen, but it does require and extra click, and you do see the QT window first.

They've made some really stupid decisions with the QT Player, in my opinion. Like not being able to launch full-screen. But did you know you can embed a setting in the QT movie itself so that it launches in full-screen automatically. You have to set it for every single video separately though. LAME. Also, the video adjustments controls in QT are not saved between settings. Every time you start QT, it reverts back to default. Those can also be stored in the file, but who wants to do that for every single video?

But at least using QT works with DRM infested iTunes files, even if it is limping along, with no X second jump ahead and other nice navigation features that other REAL video players support.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
Houston, TX
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Hello Samundsen,

did you follow up your Idea with Itunes and Media Portal?

I still use a vbscript to launch QT, but with a slight modification to what I posted last year. Now I use the SendKey method to send the "force to fullscreen" hotkey in QT so that the video automatically switches to fullscreen upon launch. Here is my script:

Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
sFilePath = oArgs(0)
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

If InStr(1, sFilePath, ".M4V", 1) > 0 Then
iRC = oShell.Run("""" & sFilePath & """")
iRC = oShell.AppActivate("QuickTimePlayerMain")
WScript.Sleep 5000
oShell.SendKeys "^f"


iRC = oShell.Run("""" & sFilePath & """")

End If

Wscript.Quit iRC


New Member
March 10, 2009
Hi ktjensen,

I would love to know how you can access your ITUNES database/music through MP as the frontend.


I am having a hard time understanding the discussions about using ITUNES under MP. It looks like some are trying to develop a way to run ITUNES in the background, while running MP as the front end.

1) Is this development still happening? Why is this important, or why does this matter? You can convert any Apple DRM song, to a non DRM song in about five minutes.

2) I have an alternative front end for the ITUNES application already, but it is not an MP plug-in. Rather it is an alternative to ITUNES front end (ITUNES still runs in the background). It works great. So it can be done.

3) I have another application that will connect up my AIRTUNES remote connected stereo. So I can play any music or sound from MP via that connection.

Just trying to understand why ITUNES is wanted, when MP already does almost all of what ITUNES does.

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