MP completely screwed up - enew error on every restart... (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 10, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany

since a couple of days MP seems to be completely f*cked up and I don't really know what's causing it. The error messages differ from time to time but in this state MP is unusable for me.
The problems are:
- Live TV not working (either "unknown error occured" oder "playback not possible: live 3-0.ts buffer" (translated this msg from German - hope it's roughly the same in English)
- sometimes just freeze upon start
- no reaction to input from either my harmony remote or keyboard/mouse
- no playback of recorded TV or movie files (.mkv)

I know it sounds strange and I wouldn't believe myself tbh, but I did not change anything in the past days (driver, programs. etc) so I'm pretty much clueless on what to do. I fear that I've got to do a complete clean install - maybe even format the system drive...

I'll attach the complete set of logfiles watchdog has gathered, so maybe you pros can help me.

Thx in advance


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello VIXUN

    Looks like you have a corrupted TV Series database, and you may also have issues with the Clickfinder plugin.
    Restore the TV Series database file from backup (or delete it if you have no backup) and report back if you still have problems.

    I'm having similar issues with 1080p mkv files.
    Please post logs from your system - no guarantee the problem is the same.



    Portal Pro
    October 10, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hello VIXUN

    Looks like you have a corrupted TV Series database, and you may also have issues with the Clickfinder plugin.

    Thanks, this has done the trick!!! As I didn't use the Clickfinder-plugin anyway, I deactivated it...

    One question though:
    Is there any way to prevent the databases from corrupting? I had a similar issue with the tv.db a couple of weeks ago with no apparent reason as well.

    Having the HTPC to crash/don't work repeatedly doesn't help with the WAF that much ;)

    Brandon Heat

    Portal Member
    March 29, 2013
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    I have a very similar problem. ... MP just exploded with errors one day for no reason ... reinstalled to a different directory ... and moved my settings over from backups. I've gotten most of it working properly EXCEPT for the Plugins menu in the Mediaportal configuration. This errors everytime... I can't configure any plugins because the PLUGIN page kills MP lol

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