Area: Media Portal Program
MP Version: 0.2RC2, CVS 17.Jan 2006
Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP Pro with SP2, .net 1, .net 2.0, Service Pack 1 for .net 1.1
CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (Venice)
Memory: 512 MB DDR, Kingston Value
Motherboard Chipset: ATI Radeon Xpress200
Video Card: on Baord (ATI Radeon Xpress200) 64MB Memory used
Video Card Driver: ATI Catalyst 5.13
Video Card Resolution: 800x600
Video Render Type: VMR9 renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: InterVideo
Audio Codec Type & Version: InterVideo
exklusive DirectX mode: On
TV Card: Technisat SS2
TV Card Type: DVB
TV Card Driver: newest
Synopsis: When TV is running and I turned off the timeshift than MP crash. I have also testet with cvs 15. Jan 2006 with same Problems.
19.01.2006 23:12:41 CaptureCard B2C2 MPEG-2 Source NOT supported, no definitions found
19.01.2006 23:12:44 exception in process() Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TVCapture at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphSS2.Process()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TVCaptureDevice.Process()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessCards()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessThread(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
19.01.2006 23:12:29 MediaPortal is starting up
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Set current directory to :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
19.01.2006 23:12:29 verify that directx 9 is installed
19.01.2006 23:12:29 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Windows media player version:10,0,0,3802 installed
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Check if mediaportal is already started
19.01.2006 23:12:29 delete old log\capture.log file...
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Check skin version
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Init playlist player
19.01.2006 23:12:29 creating the WINLIRC device
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Initialising WinLirc...
19.01.2006 23:12:29 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Winlirc process not found
19.01.2006 23:12:29 done creating the WINLIRC device
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Init players
19.01.2006 23:12:29 initializing DirectX
19.01.2006 23:12:29 start fullscreen
19.01.2006 23:12:29 ClientSize: 800x600 screen:800x600
19.01.2006 23:12:29 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
19.01.2006 23:12:29 texturemanager:dispose()
19.01.2006 23:12:29 TexturePacker
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:29 load localized strings from:language\German\strings.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4500 text
kip albums with existing cover art
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4501 text
ave cover art in album folder
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4502 text
ave cover art in thumbs folder
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4503 text:Getting album count. Please wait...
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4504 text:{0}% - {1} of {2}
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4505 text
earching {0}...
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4506 text:[Blank]
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4507 text:Cover art grabber aborted by user
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4508 text:Cover art grab completed successfuly
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4509 text:Cover art grab completed with errors
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4510 text:{0} cover art images updated
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4511 text:Cover Art Grabber Done
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4512 text:All covers up to date
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4513 text:Various
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4514 text:Cover Art Grabber
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4515 text:Cover Art Grabber Search Results
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4516 text:No cover art found
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4517 text:Close
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4518 text:Album title not found\r\nTrying: {0}
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4519 text:Current cover art
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4520 text
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4521 text
how album info
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4522 text:Grabbing: {0}...
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:30 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:dingbats height:25 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font32 height:33 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font48 height:50 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font72 height:75 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Load skin BlueTwo
19.01.2006 23:12:31 LoadWindowPlugins()
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Load plugins from
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Load plugins from
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:31 original skin size:720x576
19.01.2006 23:12:31 xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:12:31 opening tvdatabase
19.01.2006 23:12:31 using sqlite 3.2.8
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblversion
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: channel
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblPrograms
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: genre
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: recording
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: canceledseries
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: recorded
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblATSCMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblGroups
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblGroupMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblChannelCard
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblNotifies
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblEPGMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 tvdatabase opened
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Init MPScript
19.01.2006 23:12:31 C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
19.01.2006 23:12:32 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:12:32 Load plugins from
19.01.2006 23:12:32 WindowManager.Load
19.01.2006 23:12:32 load calibration800x600.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:32 WindowManager.Preinitialize
19.01.2006 23:12:33 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:33 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
19.01.2006 23:12:33 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:249561088
19.01.2006 23:12:33 WindowManager.ActivateWindow
19.01.2006 23:12:33 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
19.01.2006 23:12:33 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:249561088
19.01.2006 23:12:33 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
19.01.2006 23:12:33 skin initialized
19.01.2006 23:12:33 DX9 size: 800x600
19.01.2006 23:12:33 video ram left:243712 KByte
19.01.2006 23:12:33 running...
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Recorder: card:1 video device:B2C2 MPEG-2 Source TV:True record:True priority:10
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Recorder: tv channel changed
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PlugInManager.Load()
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Load plugins from
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PlugInManager.Start()
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PowerScheduler: version 0.3
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PowerScheduler: Settings loaded - wakeup 1, shutdown 3, mode Suspend - Forced
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
19.01.2006 23:12:40 key:13 0xD (2)
19.01.2006 23:12:40 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
19.01.2006 23:12:40 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:12:40 texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:232783872
19.01.2006 23:12:40 Recorder:enable dx9 exclusive mode
19.01.2006 23:12:40 goto fullscreen:True
19.01.2006 23:12:40 app
witch to fullscreen mode False
19.01.2006 23:12:40 app
witched to fullscreen mode
19.01.2006 23:12:40 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:40 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
19.01.2006 23:12:40 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
19.01.2006 23:12:40 tv home init
19.01.2006 23:12:40 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
19.01.2006 23:12:40 Recorder
tartViewing on
roSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder
tartViewing() channel
roSieben tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: Turn tv on channel
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: find free card
19.01.2006 23:12:41 CaptureCard B2C2 MPEG-2 Source NOT supported, no definitions found
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: found free card 1 prio:10 name
kystar 2
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: start timeshifting card 1 channel
19.01.2006 23:12:41 TVCapture: change channel to
19.01.2006 23:12:41 TVCapture.StartTimeShifting() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
19.01.2006 23:12:41 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph()
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create graph
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create filters
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create B2C2 adapter
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create streambuffer
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 analyzer
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 demultiplexer
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create sample grabber
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create dvbanalyzer
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() add filters to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: Initialize Tuner()
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: SetVideoAudioPins()
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2:Create EPG pin
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2:Get EPGs pin of analyzer
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2:Connect epg pins
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2
emuxer is setup
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: add sample grabber
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: graph created
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: Start timeshifting: ProSieben
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: Tune: ProSieben
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2 Tune() freq:12480000 SR:27500 FEC:6 POL:1 LNBKhz:1 Diseq:1 audiopid:100 videopid:FF LNBFreq:10600 ecmPid:0 pmtPid:64 pcrPidFF
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBDemuxer
roSieben audio:100 video:FF teletext:20 pmt:64 subtitle:0 program:898
19.01.2006 23:12:43 DVBGraphSS2: SetDemux()
19.01.2006 23:12:43 DVBGraphSS2
etDemux() audio pid:0x100 video pid:0xFF
19.01.2006 23:12:43 DVBGraphSS2
etDemux() done:0
19.01.2006 23:12:43 Recorder: currentfile: newfile
19.01.2006 23:12:43 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:12:43 teletext: grab teletext for card
kystar 2
19.01.2006 23:12:43 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:12:43 StreamBufferPlayer
lay D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:12:43 goto fullscreen:False
19.01.2006 23:12:43 VMR9: now active
19.01.2006 23:12:43 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:43 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:43 add filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:43 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
19.01.2006 23:12:43 playingFalse radio:False
19.01.2006 23:12:43 added filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:43 add filter
irectSound: Realtek HD Audio output to graph clock
irectSound: Realtek HD Audio output
19.01.2006 23:12:44 added filter
irectSound: Realtek HD Audio output to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:44 got pins
19.01.2006 23:12:44 got pin#0
VR Out - 1
19.01.2006 23:12:44 render ok
19.01.2006 23:12:44 got pin#1
VR Out - 2
19.01.2006 23:12:44 render ok
19.01.2006 23:12:44 PowerScheduler: next scheduled event 01.01.2100 01:00:00 triggered by: Power Scheduler
19.01.2006 23:12:44 PowerScheduler: Set wakeup timer at 01.01.2100 00:59:00
19.01.2006 23:12:44 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer deactivated
19.01.2006 23:12:44 DVBGraphSS2
rocess() got new PMT:7
19.01.2006 23:12:44 DVBGraphSS2
rocess() start grabbing epg
19.01.2006 23:12:44 exception in process() Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TVCapture at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphSS2.Process()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TVCaptureDevice.Process()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessCards()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessThread(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
19.01.2006 23:12:47 g_Player.OnStarted() D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\ media:TV
19.01.2006 23:12:47 Recorder
tartViewing off
roSieben True True done
19.01.2006 23:12:47 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
19.01.2006 23:12:47 opening video database
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: bookmark
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: genre
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: genrelinkmovie
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: movie
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: movieinfo
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: actorlinkmovie
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: actors
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: path
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: files
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: resume
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: duration
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: actorinfo
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: actorinfomovies
19.01.2006 23:12:47 video database opened
19.01.2006 23:12:47 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 50
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 389x271
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: dst : (346,111)-(707,382)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 key:27 0x1B (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:00 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:00 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
19.01.2006 23:13:00 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:210763776
19.01.2006 23:13:00 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 389x271
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: dst : (346,111)-(707,382)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 150x113
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: dst : (96,427)-(246,540)
19.01.2006 23:13:03 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
19.01.2006 23:13:05 key:98 0x62 (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:05 App.Onaction() stop media
19.01.2006 23:13:05 g_Player.Stop()
19.01.2006 23:13:05 g_Player.OnStopped()
19.01.2006 23:13:06 VMR9: not active
19.01.2006 23:13:06 goto windowed:False
19.01.2006 23:13:06 app
witch to windowed mode False
19.01.2006 23:13:06 app
witched to windowed mode
19.01.2006 23:13:08 App.ToggleFullWindowed()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:232783872
19.01.2006 23:13:08 texturemanager:dispose()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 TexturePacker
19.01.2006 23:13:08 TexturePacker: fontengine remove texture:199
19.01.2006 23:13:08 TexturePacker: fontengine remove texture:197
19.01.2006 23:13:08 fullscreen->windowed
19.01.2006 23:13:08 fullscreen->windowed done False
19.01.2006 23:13:08 ClientSize: 720x576 screen:800x600
19.01.2006 23:13:08 app
witch to windowed mode False
19.01.2006 23:13:08 app
witched to windowed mode
19.01.2006 23:13:08 OnDeviceReset()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 load calibration720x576.xml
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
19.01.2006 23:13:08 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:dingbats height:24 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:font32 height:32 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:font48 height:48 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:font72 height:72 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
19.01.2006 23:13:09 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:250609664
19.01.2006 23:13:09 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:09 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
19.01.2006 23:13:09 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
19.01.2006 23:13:09 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:250609664
19.01.2006 23:13:09 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
19.01.2006 23:13:09 load calibration720x576.xml
19.01.2006 23:13:09 done
19.01.2006 23:13:12 key:13 0xD (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:12 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:12 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:12 texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:233832448
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder:enable dx9 exclusive mode
19.01.2006 23:13:12 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:12 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
19.01.2006 23:13:12 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
19.01.2006 23:13:12 tv home init
19.01.2006 23:13:12 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder
tartViewing on
roSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder
tartViewing() channel
roSieben tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder: Turn tv on channel
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder: Found card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder: start viewing timeshift file of card 1
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:13:12 teletext: grab teletext for card
kystar 2
19.01.2006 23:13:12 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:13:12 StreamBufferPlayer
lay D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:13:13 VMR9: now active
19.01.2006 23:13:13 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 add filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 added filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 add filter
irectSound: Realtek HD Audio output to graph clock
irectSound: Realtek HD Audio output
19.01.2006 23:13:13 added filter
irectSound: Realtek HD Audio output to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 got pins
19.01.2006 23:13:13 got pin#0
VR Out - 1
19.01.2006 23:13:13 render ok
19.01.2006 23:13:13 got pin#1
VR Out - 2
19.01.2006 23:13:13 render ok
19.01.2006 23:13:13 playingFalse radio:False
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer deactivated
19.01.2006 23:13:13 g_Player.OnStarted() D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\ media:TV
19.01.2006 23:13:13 Recorder
tartViewing off
roSieben True True done
19.01.2006 23:13:13 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
19.01.2006 23:13:13 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 50
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 350x260
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: dst : (301,107)-(648,367)
19.01.2006 23:13:17 key:120 0x78 (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:17 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:17 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:18 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIFullScreenTV init
19.01.2006 23:13:18 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:13:18 start fullscreen channel
19.01.2006 23:13:18 init->OSD:Off
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 720x576
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: dst : (0,18)-(720,558)
19.01.2006 23:13:27 key:120 0x78 (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:27 fullscreentv:show gui
19.01.2006 23:13:27 deinit->OSD:Off
19.01.2006 23:13:27 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIFullScreenTV deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:27 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:27 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
19.01.2006 23:13:27 tv home init
19.01.2006 23:13:27 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder
tartViewing on
roSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder
tartViewing() channel
roSieben tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:True
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder: currently playing
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder: Turn tv on channel
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder: Found card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:27 teletext: grab teletext for card
kystar 2
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder
tartViewing off
roSieben True True done
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 350x260
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: dst : (301,107)-(648,367)
19.01.2006 23:13:30 key:13 0xD (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:30 tv home timeshift onoff:False
19.01.2006 23:13:30 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:False
19.01.2006 23:13:30 Recorder
tartViewing on
roSieben True False
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True False
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder
tartViewing() channel
roSieben tvon:True timeshift:False vmr9:True
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: currently playing
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: Turn tv on channel
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: Found card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: stop timeshifting on card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 TVCapture.StopTimeShifting() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
19.01.2006 23:13:31 g_Player.Stop()
19.01.2006 23:13:31 g_Player.OnStopped()
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 free dvbanalyzer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph()
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create graph
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create filters
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create B2C2 adapter
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create streambuffer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 analyzer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 demultiplexer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create sample grabber
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create dvbanalyzer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() add filters to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:31 VMR9: not active
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2: Initialize Tuner()
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2: Tuner initialize failed
19.01.2006 23:13:31 teletext: grab teletext for card
kystar 2
19.01.2006 23:13:32 Recorder
tartViewing off
roSieben True False done
MP Version: 0.2RC2, CVS 17.Jan 2006
Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP Pro with SP2, .net 1, .net 2.0, Service Pack 1 for .net 1.1
CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (Venice)
Memory: 512 MB DDR, Kingston Value
Motherboard Chipset: ATI Radeon Xpress200
Video Card: on Baord (ATI Radeon Xpress200) 64MB Memory used
Video Card Driver: ATI Catalyst 5.13
Video Card Resolution: 800x600
Video Render Type: VMR9 renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: InterVideo
Audio Codec Type & Version: InterVideo
exklusive DirectX mode: On
TV Card: Technisat SS2
TV Card Type: DVB
TV Card Driver: newest
Synopsis: When TV is running and I turned off the timeshift than MP crash. I have also testet with cvs 15. Jan 2006 with same Problems.
19.01.2006 23:12:41 CaptureCard B2C2 MPEG-2 Source NOT supported, no definitions found
19.01.2006 23:12:44 exception in process() Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TVCapture at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphSS2.Process()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TVCaptureDevice.Process()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessCards()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessThread(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
19.01.2006 23:12:29 MediaPortal is starting up
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Set current directory to :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
19.01.2006 23:12:29 verify that directx 9 is installed
19.01.2006 23:12:29 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Windows media player version:10,0,0,3802 installed
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Check if mediaportal is already started
19.01.2006 23:12:29 delete old log\capture.log file...
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Check skin version
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Init playlist player
19.01.2006 23:12:29 creating the WINLIRC device
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Initialising WinLirc...
19.01.2006 23:12:29 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Winlirc process not found
19.01.2006 23:12:29 done creating the WINLIRC device
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Init players
19.01.2006 23:12:29 initializing DirectX
19.01.2006 23:12:29 start fullscreen
19.01.2006 23:12:29 ClientSize: 800x600 screen:800x600
19.01.2006 23:12:29 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
19.01.2006 23:12:29 texturemanager:dispose()
19.01.2006 23:12:29 TexturePacker
19.01.2006 23:12:29 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:29 load localized strings from:language\German\strings.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4500 text
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4501 text
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4502 text
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4503 text:Getting album count. Please wait...
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4504 text:{0}% - {1} of {2}
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4505 text
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4506 text:[Blank]
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4507 text:Cover art grabber aborted by user
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4508 text:Cover art grab completed successfuly
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4509 text:Cover art grab completed with errors
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4510 text:{0} cover art images updated
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4511 text:Cover Art Grabber Done
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4512 text:All covers up to date
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4513 text:Various
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4514 text:Cover Art Grabber
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4515 text:Cover Art Grabber Search Results
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4516 text:No cover art found
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4517 text:Close
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4518 text:Album title not found\r\nTrying: {0}
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4519 text:Current cover art
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4520 text
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4521 text
19.01.2006 23:12:30 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4522 text:Grabbing: {0}...
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:30 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:dingbats height:25 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font32 height:33 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font48 height:50 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:30 Loaded font:font72 height:75 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Load skin BlueTwo
19.01.2006 23:12:31 LoadWindowPlugins()
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Load plugins from
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Load plugins from
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:31 original skin size:720x576
19.01.2006 23:12:31 xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:12:31 opening tvdatabase
19.01.2006 23:12:31 using sqlite 3.2.8
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblversion
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: channel
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblPrograms
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: genre
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: recording
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: canceledseries
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: recorded
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblATSCMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblGroups
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblGroupMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblChannelCard
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblNotifies
19.01.2006 23:12:31 AddTable: tblEPGMapping
19.01.2006 23:12:31 tvdatabase opened
19.01.2006 23:12:31 Init MPScript
19.01.2006 23:12:31 C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
19.01.2006 23:12:32 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:12:32 Load plugins from
19.01.2006 23:12:32 WindowManager.Load
19.01.2006 23:12:32 load calibration800x600.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:32 WindowManager.Preinitialize
19.01.2006 23:12:33 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:33 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
19.01.2006 23:12:33 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:249561088
19.01.2006 23:12:33 WindowManager.ActivateWindow
19.01.2006 23:12:33 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
19.01.2006 23:12:33 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:249561088
19.01.2006 23:12:33 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
19.01.2006 23:12:33 skin initialized
19.01.2006 23:12:33 DX9 size: 800x600
19.01.2006 23:12:33 video ram left:243712 KByte
19.01.2006 23:12:33 running...
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Recorder: card:1 video device:B2C2 MPEG-2 Source TV:True record:True priority:10
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Recorder: tv channel changed
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PlugInManager.Load()
19.01.2006 23:12:33 Load plugins from
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PlugInManager.Start()
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PowerScheduler: version 0.3
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PowerScheduler: Settings loaded - wakeup 1, shutdown 3, mode Suspend - Forced
19.01.2006 23:12:33 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
19.01.2006 23:12:40 key:13 0xD (2)
19.01.2006 23:12:40 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
19.01.2006 23:12:40 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:12:40 texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:232783872
19.01.2006 23:12:40 Recorder:enable dx9 exclusive mode
19.01.2006 23:12:40 goto fullscreen:True
19.01.2006 23:12:40 app
19.01.2006 23:12:40 app
19.01.2006 23:12:40 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:12:40 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
19.01.2006 23:12:40 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
19.01.2006 23:12:40 tv home init
19.01.2006 23:12:40 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
19.01.2006 23:12:40 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: Turn tv on channel
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: find free card
19.01.2006 23:12:41 CaptureCard B2C2 MPEG-2 Source NOT supported, no definitions found
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: found free card 1 prio:10 name
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Recorder: start timeshifting card 1 channel
19.01.2006 23:12:41 TVCapture: change channel to
19.01.2006 23:12:41 TVCapture.StartTimeShifting() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:12:41 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
19.01.2006 23:12:41 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph()
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create graph
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create filters
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create B2C2 adapter
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create streambuffer
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 analyzer
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 demultiplexer
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create sample grabber
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create dvbanalyzer
19.01.2006 23:12:41 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() add filters to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: Initialize Tuner()
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: SetVideoAudioPins()
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2:Create EPG pin
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2:Get EPGs pin of analyzer
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2:Connect epg pins
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: add sample grabber
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: graph created
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: Start timeshifting: ProSieben
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2: Tune: ProSieben
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBGraphSS2 Tune() freq:12480000 SR:27500 FEC:6 POL:1 LNBKhz:1 Diseq:1 audiopid:100 videopid:FF LNBFreq:10600 ecmPid:0 pmtPid:64 pcrPidFF
19.01.2006 23:12:42 DVBDemuxer
19.01.2006 23:12:43 DVBGraphSS2: SetDemux()
19.01.2006 23:12:43 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:12:43 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:12:43 Recorder: currentfile: newfile
19.01.2006 23:12:43 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:12:43 teletext: grab teletext for card
19.01.2006 23:12:43 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:12:43 StreamBufferPlayer
19.01.2006 23:12:43 goto fullscreen:False
19.01.2006 23:12:43 VMR9: now active
19.01.2006 23:12:43 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:43 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:43 add filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:43 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
19.01.2006 23:12:43 playingFalse radio:False
19.01.2006 23:12:43 added filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:12:43 add filter
19.01.2006 23:12:44 added filter
19.01.2006 23:12:44 got pins
19.01.2006 23:12:44 got pin#0
19.01.2006 23:12:44 render ok
19.01.2006 23:12:44 got pin#1
19.01.2006 23:12:44 render ok
19.01.2006 23:12:44 PowerScheduler: next scheduled event 01.01.2100 01:00:00 triggered by: Power Scheduler
19.01.2006 23:12:44 PowerScheduler: Set wakeup timer at 01.01.2100 00:59:00
19.01.2006 23:12:44 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer deactivated
19.01.2006 23:12:44 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:12:44 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:12:44 exception in process() Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TVCapture at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphSS2.Process()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TVCaptureDevice.Process()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessCards()
at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessThread(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
19.01.2006 23:12:47 g_Player.OnStarted() D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\ media:TV
19.01.2006 23:12:47 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:12:47 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
19.01.2006 23:12:47 opening video database
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: bookmark
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: genre
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: genrelinkmovie
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: movie
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: movieinfo
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: actorlinkmovie
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: actors
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: path
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: files
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: resume
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: duration
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: actorinfo
19.01.2006 23:12:47 AddTable: actorinfomovies
19.01.2006 23:12:47 video database opened
19.01.2006 23:12:47 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 50
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 389x271
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:12:47 PlaneScene: dst : (346,111)-(707,382)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 key:27 0x1B (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:00 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:00 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
19.01.2006 23:13:00 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:210763776
19.01.2006 23:13:00 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 389x271
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: dst : (346,111)-(707,382)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 150x113
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:00 PlaneScene: dst : (96,427)-(246,540)
19.01.2006 23:13:03 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
19.01.2006 23:13:05 key:98 0x62 (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:05 App.Onaction() stop media
19.01.2006 23:13:05 g_Player.Stop()
19.01.2006 23:13:05 g_Player.OnStopped()
19.01.2006 23:13:06 VMR9: not active
19.01.2006 23:13:06 goto windowed:False
19.01.2006 23:13:06 app
19.01.2006 23:13:06 app
19.01.2006 23:13:08 App.ToggleFullWindowed()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:232783872
19.01.2006 23:13:08 texturemanager:dispose()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 TexturePacker
19.01.2006 23:13:08 TexturePacker: fontengine remove texture:199
19.01.2006 23:13:08 TexturePacker: fontengine remove texture:197
19.01.2006 23:13:08 fullscreen->windowed
19.01.2006 23:13:08 fullscreen->windowed done False
19.01.2006 23:13:08 ClientSize: 720x576 screen:800x600
19.01.2006 23:13:08 app
19.01.2006 23:13:08 app
19.01.2006 23:13:08 OnDeviceReset()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 load calibration720x576.xml
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
19.01.2006 23:13:08 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:08 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:dingbats height:24 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:font32 height:32 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:font48 height:48 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:font72 height:72 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:09 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
19.01.2006 23:13:09 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:250609664
19.01.2006 23:13:09 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:09 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
19.01.2006 23:13:09 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:13:09 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
19.01.2006 23:13:09 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:250609664
19.01.2006 23:13:09 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
19.01.2006 23:13:09 load calibration720x576.xml
19.01.2006 23:13:09 done
19.01.2006 23:13:12 key:13 0xD (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:12 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:12 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:12 texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:233832448
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder:enable dx9 exclusive mode
19.01.2006 23:13:12 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
19.01.2006 23:13:12 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
19.01.2006 23:13:12 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
19.01.2006 23:13:12 tv home init
19.01.2006 23:13:12 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder: Turn tv on channel
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder: Found card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Recorder: start viewing timeshift file of card 1
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
19.01.2006 23:13:12 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:13:12 teletext: grab teletext for card
19.01.2006 23:13:12 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
19.01.2006 23:13:12 StreamBufferPlayer
19.01.2006 23:13:13 VMR9: now active
19.01.2006 23:13:13 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 add filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 added filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:13 add filter
19.01.2006 23:13:13 added filter
19.01.2006 23:13:13 got pins
19.01.2006 23:13:13 got pin#0
19.01.2006 23:13:13 render ok
19.01.2006 23:13:13 got pin#1
19.01.2006 23:13:13 render ok
19.01.2006 23:13:13 playingFalse radio:False
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer deactivated
19.01.2006 23:13:13 g_Player.OnStarted() D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\ media:TV
19.01.2006 23:13:13 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:13:13 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
19.01.2006 23:13:13 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 50
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 350x260
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:13 PlaneScene: dst : (301,107)-(648,367)
19.01.2006 23:13:17 key:120 0x78 (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:17 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:17 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:18 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIFullScreenTV init
19.01.2006 23:13:18 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
19.01.2006 23:13:18 start fullscreen channel
19.01.2006 23:13:18 init->OSD:Off
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 720x576
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:18 PlaneScene: dst : (0,18)-(720,558)
19.01.2006 23:13:27 key:120 0x78 (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:27 fullscreentv:show gui
19.01.2006 23:13:27 deinit->OSD:Off
19.01.2006 23:13:27 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIFullScreenTV deinit
19.01.2006 23:13:27 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
19.01.2006 23:13:27 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
19.01.2006 23:13:27 tv home init
19.01.2006 23:13:27 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder: currently playing
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder: Turn tv on channel
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder: Found card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:27 teletext: grab teletext for card
19.01.2006 23:13:27 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 350x260
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
19.01.2006 23:13:27 PlaneScene: dst : (301,107)-(648,367)
19.01.2006 23:13:30 key:13 0xD (2)
19.01.2006 23:13:30 tv home timeshift onoff:False
19.01.2006 23:13:30 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:False
19.01.2006 23:13:30 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True False
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: currently playing
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: Turn tv on channel
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: Found card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Recorder: stop timeshifting on card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 TVCapture.StopTimeShifting() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:13:31 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
19.01.2006 23:13:31 g_Player.Stop()
19.01.2006 23:13:31 g_Player.OnStopped()
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 free dvbanalyzer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph()
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create graph
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create filters
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create B2C2 adapter
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create streambuffer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 analyzer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 demultiplexer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create sample grabber
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create dvbanalyzer
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() add filters to graph
19.01.2006 23:13:31 VMR9: not active
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2: Initialize Tuner()
19.01.2006 23:13:31 DVBGraphSS2: Tuner initialize failed
19.01.2006 23:13:31 teletext: grab teletext for card
19.01.2006 23:13:32 Recorder