MP crash when watching recordings. (1 Viewer)

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Possibly something overheating on your system, check your cpu etc temps, or a bad driver, done any updates\changes recently that may affect your whole pc.



    Portal Pro
    October 23, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Well I just installed the system in a new case, but the only drivers there, are from the Imon VFD display. I haven't installed a program that can check the temperatures, but the only thing that seems hot is the NorthBridge heatsink. And that has a fan attached to the motherboard, which should be temp. controlled. But that could be the reason, cause it gets really hot.

    I tried a reinstall of MP last night, with a new SVN, so I hope this helps. I haven't checked it thouroghly yet, but I did manage to watch half an hour of a movie without problems - but that also happened sometimes before, so I can't really be sure before I watch some more.

    Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate it. Sometimes it takes a second opinion to make you realise otherwise obvious things.


    Portal Pro
    October 23, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Well, it seems my problems haven't been solved. After the reinstall of MP didn't help, I changed the Northbridge cooler (since it was getting insanely hot), and i turned up the fan speed on the GFX. None of it got rid of the problem. Both the CPU, NB and GFX heatsinks are now a reasonably temperature even when running stress test's, but it still crashs when using mp to watch movie or tv. I haven't had the time to run a full memtest for severel hours, but the 45 min test I did run didn't show anything.

    I'm gonna be away for a couple of days, but I hope I get time to stress test the computer thouroghly in the weekend, to make sure whether it is a hardware problem, or something in MP.

    If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to write, and I'll look at it when I get back home.


    Portal Pro
    October 23, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    K, now I have done some long runs of both memtst, CPU stability and ATiTool (just in case it was the GFX), but it shows no errors.

    I'll try installing RC2 and hopefully it will then work - otherwise I'll try using the TestTool. From what I gathered, it also gathers windows reports and Dxdiag data as well. I'm just not sure this will work, since the bug/or whatever it is crashes the entire computer.

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