MP Crashes when trying to build the movie database. (1 Viewer)


Retired Team Member
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  • January 14, 2005
    Area: Configuration: Movie Database
    MP Version: RC 2.0 with 11/14/05 SVC Applied
    Skin: Blue Two
    Windows Version: XP PRO SP2
    CPU Type: AMD +2400
    Memory: 1 Gb DDR
    Motherboard Chipset: VIA
    Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 5200
    Video Card Driver: 77.72
    Video Card Resolution: 1024x768
    Video Render Type: VMR9
    Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
    Audio Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
    TV Card: None
    TV Card Type: None
    TV Card Driver: None
    Optional Log: None
    Optional References: None

    I just totally uninstalled MP and deleted the whole directory. I then installed RC1 and applied the mediaportal-cvs-11-14-2005--14-05.rar CVS. After setting up the basics I went to scan my movies under movie database. When I scan I get this error. The first time I did it, the error came up right away. The second time, it was about half way through.


    I am running .net 2.0

    Anyone else seeing this error?


    Portal Member
    March 29, 2005
    I have the same issue

    Area: Media Portal Configuration
    MP Version: mediaportal-cvs-11-19-2005--23-02 (have tryed a few others, same result)
    Windows Version: XP Pro, all updates
    CPU Type: Athlon XP 2600+
    Memory: 512mb ddr
    Motherboard Chipset: Shuttle sn41g2, nforce2
    Video Card: Ati Radeon 9200
    Video Card Driver: Latest
    Video Card Resolution: 720x576
    Video Render Type: VMR9
    Video Codec Type & Version: nVidia decoder
    Audio Codec Type & Version: ffdshow audio decoder
    TV Card: Hauppauge PVR USB-2, FireDTV-C
    TV Card Type: Hardware, DVB
    TV Card Driver: Latest, latest

    Exact same error, except for that version number

    Failed to locate assembly 'Core.XmlSerializers, Version=1.0.2149.41426,
    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
    Note that the configuration program must be executed from/reside in the MediaPortal folder, the execution will now end

    The setup then dissapears, but when looking in Task Manager, it's still running under Processes.

    It happens when the scanner finds a new movie and starts downloading the information, after i have chosen from the search results which movie it is.
    It will still download the info and add it to the database, guess because it's still running when looking under Processes.
    I then have to kill Configuration.exe and start the setup again for each new movie.
    If i click cancel in the search results, it won't crash, just continue scanning for new movies as it should, until i choose a movie from the search result.

    Adding a new movie from within MediaPortal works fine.

    Nothing noticeable in the logs


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • December 2, 2005
    Ottawa, Canada
    Failed to locate assembly Core.XmlSerializer

    I have the same issue. I get the error message when I click on Coverart tab under Movies\Movie Database\Editor in Media Portal Setup. Does this work for anyone?


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 2, 2005
    Ottawa, Canada
    The problem is occuring in MoveDatabase.cs when the AmazonImageSearch object's search function is called. I got rid of this issue by disabling this function. To do this, comment out the line "search.Search(CurrentMovie.Title);" in MoveDatabase.cs within the tabControl2_SelectedIndexChanged function. Re-build your project and copy configuration.exe in your Media Portal application folder.

    I have downloaded the newest source codes (on Dec 31 2005) and recompiled it. This seems to have fixed the issue.


    Portal Member
    February 28, 2006
    Fremont, CA USA
    How does the average user who doesn't compile CVS builds get hold of this fixed version? Any place to download? The official download seems to not have changed since Dec 16 ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 14, 2005
    It's on the front page to the right. There is a link that says "Daily CVS builds" Once that page comes up you should have "CVS-Download" on the right. Once you click on that, it will give you all the information you need to upgrade to the latest CVS.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    You can download CVS builds from here. Make sure that you read the English instructions carefully!

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