MP needs really long to start (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 19, 2011
Trier, Germany
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi guys,

since some time now (2 weeks or so) my MP needs way to long to start.
One months ago I change from a single seat to a multi seat system with a standalone server.

At the beginning everything worked alright but at some point which I can not assign to some specific change in my environment my MP needs way to long to start (sometimes over 2 minutes).

I'm using a ArgusTV Server instead of the standard TV Server and my server is started normally completely during my testing phases. When he needs to come up from standby I understand some delay but not when it is up and running.

I attached some log files. The MediaPortal.log and .bak files are from a standard startup and the zip file is from some debug run.

I hope this helps.

Perhaps someone of you guys has some idea.

Thanks for your help,


  • MediaPortal.bak
    35.4 KB


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • December 17, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    First thing is you have some network issues (firewall or so):
    Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte

    The longest delay I can see is after loading Video DB. (about 30 seconds without any log entry). And there are lot of entries about missing things in Titan...

    Try to start twice (first to generate cache) with Default Wide and remove your Video db File (not delete; just copy it aside for testing purposes).
    If the start is normal again, you found the bad guy.

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