MP2-Server - Start failure (1 Viewer)


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  • March 18, 2012
    NW Chicago suburbs
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    United States of America United States of America
    When I try to start the MP2-Server for the Alpha2 package I receive a Windows start service failure. I have included the message and logfile below. I'm thinking I'm doing things right, but not entirely sure. Ultimately I'm trying to scan channels with the Native MP2 Alpha2 release when I get the server to start.

    Thanks for any assistance ... Tony


    • Server Error.png
      Server Error.png
      40.4 KB


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  • October 5, 2004
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    According the logs everything is fine. It's a windows service which you can not launch by clicking simply the executable.
    Please check within your MP2-ServiceMonitor whether the MP2-Server is running.

    If MP2-Server is running you can attach the Client to the Server and add shares:
    1. Start the MP2-Client
    2. Go to Settings > General > Connections > HomeServer
    3. If it is already attached and connected. Fine.
      1. If not: Go to: Search for server
      2. If one is found: Click Attach
        1. If not: There seems to be a connection server can't be found.
        2. Please restart the PC and start this procedure from the beginning again.
        3. If Server is still not available, provide logs please and check firewall settings.
      3. Client is attached to the Server now.
    4. Go Back to Settings > Shares > Shares Configuration
    5. Here you can now add shares

    Sorry for the plain steps and procedure and the fact that we don't have proper documentation for it.
    We are working hard to these things done the next weeks, so please bear with us.


    MP Donator
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  • March 18, 2012
    NW Chicago suburbs
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    United States of America United States of America
    OK ... this was not an issue and I am alright now. What this was really about was me being a bonehead. It's kind of embarassing and I'd just as soon keep it to myself. I do appreciate the help and the response.


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