Thanks, Sprag!
For the code, QA is contained in v0.04.
For the thread, I am fine, too. But if anyone out there wants to improve the text e.g. in the first post, please feel free.
@Spragleknas: Would you be so kind to move this thread into the public MP2\Plugin Development forum and make it read only public? As soon as you did, please tag me so that I can open the public discussion thread.
Thanks for your help!
And now let's see whether we find some new developers. In particular with the JavaScrips side I'm still quite lost...
As to the general progress: I warned you, it may take longer I've read a lot and I also implemented some further things. But I always stumble upon issued with MP2 still being .Net 4.0 and many features of Owin requiring .Net 4.5 or later. VS 2013 is soon to be published, so the next published version will probably be after we have moved MP2 to .Net 4.5.1 - makes thinks with Owin much easier...
Please note that the status of this thread is "Not open for further replies", which actually means team-members and plugin devs can reply, but others can not, hence it is "read only".