MPBlue - (Control MP with your PocketPC) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 3, 2005
ASiDiE: Start the keyboard before you start blue, that worked for me.

Scrappy, great program, just missing some things. What i want to do with this software is to choose music and radio without have to start my TV, just starting the surround and there should be music.

Is this possible? To get the music list that i get in media portal and the web rabio that i get in media portal?
Would have been great :D


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
damn, you beat me to it..

Hey Scrappy.doo

I've been working on zomething similar too..
I started six months ago doing some experimenting.
(in the mean time I becam a father, so the project got shelved for a few months)
I wanted to base the communication on Remoting, but it took me al long time to figure out how to do this (remoting isn't officially supported in the Compact Framework)

anyway, I managed to Create a remoting interface between Mediaportal en my PocketPC.
I alos have written some graphics libraries to create a skinnable UI on the pocketPC. using the same XML structure as MediaPortal.

Currently the navigation part is working, I'm now working on a music interface.

maybe we need to work on this together?

(i did a very bad thing, and used reflector on your code, i noticed that you use a very low level communication, and manual serializing.)
remoting is much more effective and development should be a lot faster.
what do you think?


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
just a small update..

I sent my code to Scrappy.doo
currently it is a skinnable UI with support only for navigating in MP.

things i would like to have implemented are:
Wake On Lan (wakeup the MP machine) (I already have some code for this, but it is not very stable yet..)
music interface with search capabilities and a now playing screen.
video interface, would be nice to select a movie , click play and the television starts.

I hop that, with two people working on this, we can get this ball rolling


New Member
September 26, 2005
Hello, they are a lot interested to your program, but it does not work. ¶

¶How I make to change IP address? ¶
¶If launch the keyboard on PocketPC before MPBlue the keyboard disappears…

¶You have a guide for the installation? ¶


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    etna123 said:
    Hello, they are a lot interested to your program, but it does not work. ¶

    ¶How I make to change IP address? ¶
    ¶If launch the keyboard on PocketPC before MPBlue the keyboard disappears…

    ¶You have a guide for the installation? ¶

    Yes, how do I change the IP address??


    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2004
    For The current available version, only scrappy can answer that question, but I havenn't spoken him for over a week.. perhaps he is a bit busy.. :?

    We are working hard on the new version, there is a setup screen for changing IP adress. but that doesn't help you right now does it :twisted:


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 4, 2005
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    MrSensitive said:
    For The current available version, only scrappy can answer that question, but I havenn't spoken him for over a week.. perhaps he is a bit busy.. :?

    We are working hard on the new version, there is a setup screen for changing IP adress. but that doesn't help you right now does it :twisted:

    Well not really! - perhaps I could test your "newest" version?


    Portal Pro
    May 19, 2004
    Home Country
    France France
    I had same probleme first: I can't change the ip adresse but am using" spb pocket plus" and I can switch into the running tasks so I swith to a task with the keyboard fonction and I witch back to MPblue the keyboard stay on screen and I can change the IP adresse but when I click on "connect" a message appear :
    "assembly de ressource introuvable" (on french os so in english it should something like " Assembly of ressouces unfound" )
    I am correctly install .net for pocket pc so can't understand


    Community Plugin Dev
    August 26, 2004
    West Yorks, UK
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Scubefr said:
    (on french os so in english it should something like " Assembly of ressouces unfound" )

    Same here....Could not find resource assembly

    We'll just have to wait for another version. :wink:

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