Nah, I go through this every 2-3 years, with post nasal drip that turns into acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, or pneumonia... this is my 6th time in 15 years, but it is taking longer to recover than normal, hence the antibiotics.
It sucks, but I'll survive, it's just the lethargic feeling of no energy that forces me to take it slow as I have to spend any `good` feeling moment of the day on work.
It should be listed under "Mon abonnement", and be sure to verify that it is still active and that you have credits.
I've only done one test with Avatar, so you'll have to give me some feedback on more, and be sure to only do single movies at a time to not waste your credits if a bug exists on a mass import.
Sorry for my late response but I have to many things to do... construction, mechanic, informatic...
Whatever, I've tested the scraper. It works correctly for fanart and cover, but the informations for the film are downloaded in english, not in french !
Yes, only way for me to know what is happening on your specific machine would be detailed log files.
Try to keep the logs as clean as possible please. As in let MediaPortal and all the plugins finish background tasks, then erase all logs, and then repeat the problem by sending the one movie back to the importer. That way the log file will be much easier to read to solve the issue.
Scraper script is trying to read: "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\IMDb+\Options IMDb+ Scraper.xml"
And then does a parsing check to ensure the content is valid, but it doesn't even get that far, because the file does not exist on your system. The scraper still works, but relies on default values which are English oriented.
The options file is created if you open the IMDb+ plugin and adjust the settings to correspond to how you want to use them, but if that fails, please uninstall, and reinstall the extension via the MPEI extension manager.
PS: Still curious how this happened, did you restore MediaPortal on a new system perhaps, and forgot to copy all relevant files?
I've tried yours solutions (reinstal of IMDB+ and adjust settings) but I still got the same problem.
The "Options IMDb+ Scraper.xml" exists on my system (If it doesn't it is not possible to define username and password for mediapassion). I've done a screenshot of the folder.
It's a fresh install on a windows 7 system wich is used to store all my multimedia datas.
Here is an other log if you see something else.