MPEM Development Info & Testversion (2 Viewers)


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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    It is an integrated solution, and basically does what you want. Different styles, channel groups, countries.
    I think we must have a different definition of "integrated". I'm talking about having one application/solution for logos, skins and plugins. In other words, having a plugin that only handles logos is not integrated by definition.

    Yeah, I was assuming 'integrated into the MP UI'.

    Mind you, if we get the home screen customisation right, we can have a 'plugins' section, with 'logos', 'plugins', 'skins' under it. Anyway, getting off-topic now.

    I think MPEM needs more discussion, if only to reassure people that everyone is on the same page.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    I just found this thread again and I'm very interested in current progress of the installer. Is there a repository where it gets developed? Is there a decision already if nuget is the way to go (I would prefer it)?

    With MP2 Alpha 3 approaching (and beta propably soon) and an increasing number of plugins we definately need a working extension installer.


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  • June 21, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I think the installer should be able to pick up if skins for plugins are in the plugin or skin file, if skins are designed by both the plugin dev and the skin dev, then the latest updated file should be listed first if compatible or if the user has set a preference use that file. Away this installer is going to be so user friendly you can easily revert back RIGHT?


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    I can't buld MPEM on win7+.net4.5
    On line
    <views:MainView Margin="-1"></views:MainView>
    in MainWindow.xaml
    I get "Value can't be undetermined. Parameter name: collection."
    Any ideas?

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