Hi Sa_Ddam
I just like to say what a great job you have done with this pluggin
I do have a couple of issues though which I am not sure if its just mine of if its common for everyone.
My first problem I have is the transitions seem very slow and responsive, ie if I am watching TV and return back to the TV Guide its very slow for the touch screen to change screens and I can not change channel in the guide till the touch screen is displaying the correct info for the guide. I have tried all the different resolutions for my monitor and they all seem to do the same, I never got any problems like this with your older pluggin.
Also changing channels from the TV guide doesn't always update the touch screen straight away and I am left with the info from the previous channel for about a minute or 2 untill it updates.
Also the issue with it keeping the old thumbnail picture stays on the touch screen untill i enter another pluggin ie music or videos for the thumbnail to change.
Also the thumbnail is very grey and i can see that there is a grey box behind it so when i have a TV channel with a white background its looks more grey than white. Is it meant to be greyed out? As I would prefer the thumbnails on the touch screen to stay the original colours.
Well done on your great work and if you need any more info on this issues I am experiencing let me know
I just like to say what a great job you have done with this pluggin
I do have a couple of issues though which I am not sure if its just mine of if its common for everyone.
My first problem I have is the transitions seem very slow and responsive, ie if I am watching TV and return back to the TV Guide its very slow for the touch screen to change screens and I can not change channel in the guide till the touch screen is displaying the correct info for the guide. I have tried all the different resolutions for my monitor and they all seem to do the same, I never got any problems like this with your older pluggin.
Also changing channels from the TV guide doesn't always update the touch screen straight away and I am left with the info from the previous channel for about a minute or 2 untill it updates.
Also the issue with it keeping the old thumbnail picture stays on the touch screen untill i enter another pluggin ie music or videos for the thumbnail to change.
Also the thumbnail is very grey and i can see that there is a grey box behind it so when i have a TV channel with a white background its looks more grey than white. Is it meant to be greyed out? As I would prefer the thumbnails on the touch screen to stay the original colours.
Well done on your great work and if you need any more info on this issues I am experiencing let me know