MPTouch - Mediaportal TouchScreen Plugin (3 Viewers)

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  • September 7, 2009
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    AW: MPTouch - Mediaportal TouchScreen Plugin

    I'm not shure what you mean.

    What you need for this PlugIn is a second display, normally connected to the VGA port of your Graphics card besides the DVI or HDMI port where your TV is plugged in. It depends on the display you are using. There are also some Displays, that are connected via USB as a second monitor. You just have to expand your Desktop to the second screen.



    Retired Team Member
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  • March 3, 2009
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    Re: AW: MPTouch - Mediaportal TouchScreen Plugin


    I need for this plugin and for the second display another graphics card connector? Or how does it work?


    You don't need another graphics card if you have 2 video ports on your current card.
    However adding another card for the plugin will improve proformance.


    Hey Everyone,

    MPDisplay2 Alpha wil be offically released 19/01/2011 :)

    New Thread -



    MP Donator
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  • June 1, 2008
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    AW: MPTouch - Mediaportal TouchScreen Plugin

    Yes I have seen so far. It is also a second DVI output available. What the display must more have. About what the PC gets the touch commands ? Also over the display cable ? Could I then plug in an external display housing which is not in case ? And it cost more CPU utilization when a second display is operated ?


    Retired Extension Developer
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  • September 7, 2009
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    AW: MPTouch - Mediaportal TouchScreen Plugin

    Hi D3ltoroxp,

    The second Display should have a VGA input (via adapter you can plug it into the DVI output of your graphics card). The touch commands were sent via USB.
    Yes, you can use an external device (I have also one by now). The CPU utilization is just caused (if it's the case) only by the plugin itself, and that's not much. Only if you use a USB-Display (without VGA input) your CPU utilization will rise.



    Portal Member
    February 24, 2011
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    Spain Spain
    Hi all,

    I´m just a few days introduced in the wonderfull htpc world with my self build and second hand Origen X15E case. Now I am very excited with having found this wonderfull plugin similar like imon. So the first thing I like to do is congratulate the makers of this fantastic plugin.

    But.... I have a little install problem and I can´t get it to work. I have Pure vision HD skin installed and also installed the mptouch skin pure vision. Now the problem is that I don´t exactly understand what is happening.

    Everything installed well, and when I start media portal and go to plugins to mini display the message is, not configured. Then when I go to media portal configuration menu - plugins - mptouch configuration and then all the options I can choose are named "nothing" ???? That is really strange and driving me grazy. Allready uninstalled the whole plugin and skin but no way to get it right.

    Only one time after I had the htpc shutted off, when I restarted the lcd came up with the mini display but with no icons. When I started pushing the panel with my fingers things were changing but I could not see what was happening, the only thing I saw on the lcd where things like text about my processor etc.

    Who can help me, I really want this plugin getting to work!


    Portal Member
    February 24, 2011
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    Spain Spain
    Hi WonderMusic,

    Yeah you are right, I post in the wrong thread..... but anyway, that´s the one I installed, MPdisplay2.

    But just 5 minutes ago I got it working :)

    I´m now figuring out things how it all works, but til now looks very nice!

    iPad functios???? also for iPhone???? Would be to nice !!!!

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