MPtray that runs shortcuts (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
February 2, 2008
I have a MCE Remote and I'm using MPtray to run Media Portal. Since I'm running MP on a TV, I created a profile with Ultramon that turns ON my TV and runs MP on it, but I have to run it manually with my mouse.
Now, I would like to be able to run the Ultramon profile when I press the green button on my remote. If I do it now MP runs, but in this case runs on my main monitor since the Ultramon profile is not set. Can it be done?

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Hi cupax

    The chances are something like irserversuite, may do what you want, as i cannot answer, will move to appropriate forum.


    Portal Pro
    January 16, 2007
    I quickly modified MPTray so it will now start both MediaPortal and ultramon.bat.
    Just copy ultramon.bat and mptray.exe to your MediaPortal folder and replace the old one.

    In ultramon.bat you can start upp everything you want :)

    This should solve your problems, if you have any questions just send a mail:



    Portal Member
    February 2, 2008
    Sorry to say, the modified Mptray doesn't work. Maybe because I have Vista x64. When I run it I immediatly get the "has stopped working" error.


    Portal Pro
    January 16, 2007
    Yes, it works perfect in Windows XP SP2. I self run a even more modified version of mptray that launches different stuff for different buttons and do some stuff when media portal is not running and other when media portal is running.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 7, 2005
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    You know you're re-inventing the wheel, right?

    MPTray was good because it was simple, if you want something more capable you should be looking at something like HIP, EventGhost, Girder or IR Server Suite.

    One of the reasons I wrote IR Server Suite is exactly what you're doing right now.

    But hey, if I had have thought like that then I wouldn't have started writing my own!

    Good luck,


    Portal Member
    February 2, 2008
    I think MPTray is good just because is simple. Giving it a option to select what it does is just a normal and expected feature I though it would have. I don't want to run super featured suites just to tell my green button what to do.
    Now, if you could just make it work on Vista x64 me and many Vista users would be very happy and grateful!
    BTW: The original works on Vista x64 just fine, the "shorcut" one doesn't work.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 7, 2005
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    My reply was in response to this:

    I self run a even more modified version of mptray that launches different stuff for different buttons and do some stuff when media portal is not running and other when media portal is running.

    Which is not exactly "just to tell my green button what to do".

    And it seems you'd like to do more with your remote too.

    But hey, if there is a need for something a cross between MPTray and Girder then go for it. I just think you might be dismissing the alternatives a little out of hand though.

    Best of luck,


    Portal Member
    February 2, 2008
    What doesn't bend, it breakes!
    I solved all of my remote needs without using MPtray or any other IR suite.
    I just made myself an Ultramon's desktop shortcut that sets everything right for me. Yes I have to run it manually but hey, that's not a big deal since I'm seating on my PC the whole day for work and use it in the evenings to watch movies on TV with MP. And I use MP's integrated shutdown to turn off my PC.

    Now, if I could only program my free green button, to bring me a beer from a fridge...

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