[solved] MTS files freeze on last frame (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 24, 2015
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Australia Australia
Hi, I am having an issue with playing .mts videos in MP1.20. I'm playing these from within the Pictures mode, I select the first file, it plays OK but the video freezes on the very last frame. MP then moves to the next .mts in the sequence and starts it, but all I get is the sound, the previous stuck frame remains on the screen. There seems to be no way to get the computer out of this mode except by pressing the reset button. By the way .mts files play perfectly in VLC. Can you please help as I'm getting grief from my wife about it :(

Post Submission Note: I'm not sure how to withdraw this post if that's possible. I've fixed my problem. I changed the H264 default codec from LAV to the Microsoft one all is working now. Not blaming the LAV codec though, the .mts files are from a camera and they may not be completely according to the standards.
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  • October 28, 2008
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    Post Submission Note: I'm not sure how to withdraw this post if that's possible. I've fixed my problem.

    No problem - it's better that the post stays, someone else might have the same problem in the future. I've changed the thread prefix to [solved] :)


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Not blaming the LAV codec though,
    I suggest that you bring this to the attention of the LAV developer. He will need a description of the issue and a (short) mts file to reproduce the effect. He usually fixed such things very quickly.

    If you don't know how to do that, you may also provide a link to said mts file (PM to me) and I will do the bug report for you.

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