[-|_|.| +][cC][dD][0-9]|[-|_|.| +][dD][iI][sS][kKcC][0-9]|[0-9]of[0-9]|[-|_|.| +][pP][aA][rR][tT][0-9]|[0-9]of[0-9]
What did i do wrong here as MFs is not seeing "Ben-Hur (1959) (Part 1).avi" and "Ben-Hur (1959) (Part 2).avi" as 1 movie with 2 parts, both .avi's are in the same folder
What did i do wrong here as MFs is not seeing "Ben-Hur (1959) (Part 1).avi" and "Ben-Hur (1959) (Part 2).avi" as 1 movie with 2 parts, both .avi's are in the same folder