Music Trivia (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
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Music Trivia plays a random song and you have to pick the song that is playing from a list of other songs. The game is very simple and requires no configuration. You can set the number of "tries" that you get each turn and the amount of time the song is played.

You must have your music in the Music Database in order for this plugin to work. You also MUST be using an SVN from Oct 9th or later. Thanks to both rtv and hwahrmann for adding the necessary functions back to the music database to make this work again.

Version 0.3.1
This release adds no functionality. The only difference is that the start button's control ID is changed from 1 to 110. If you are having problems just install the new build. If you still have problems, open musictrivia.xml up from your skin's directory and change the control id of the start button from 1 to 110 and all should work well for you.

Thanks again to Psycho Reptile for bringing this to my attention.

Version 0.3
-Compatible with new music database.
-Incorrect answers no longer disappear when you select them. Choice is now blanked only so that using number keys stays consistent.

Version 0.2
- Now supports 2 player. Two different modes are in place - 2 player alternating and 2 player simultaneous.
- Now supports restricting genre.
- Now Saves game options.
- Now supports using number buttons on remote to choose answers.

When playing 2 player simultaneous, player 2 uses numbers 6-9 on the remote/keyboard.
Game type and genre restriction are accessible from the context menu only. All of these settings are saved each game and reused when you reenter the plugin.

If you have any problems/bugs let me know.


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Retired Team Member
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  • June 15, 2004
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    Germany Germany

    This was is a plugin I am waiting for since the first day I used MP :) Thanks for working on that and sharing it!

    I just did 3 little tests and the music picked was not that random... It only chose tracks from one certain album and only 7 or 8 of them. From those it did a random choice, but sometimes I had also double entries in my choices on the right... Will need to check back if that was just my music db causing it... Will report back soon.

    Again thanks and go on!!! :)


    Portal Pro
    August 24, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    That's odd. It's using the GetRandomSong function of the music database. I'm not sure how that happened unless it was just a coincidence. Let me know if that keeps happening.


    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2006
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland

    Thank you very much for this game,

    I would propose if you can do that, a two players game like the screenshot.

    You could map the key "1", "2", "3", "4" for answer "1", "2", "3", "4" of player one
    and "5", "6", "7", "8" for answer "1", "2", "3", "4" of player two for example.

    For the moment the keys "1" ..."9" are like ENTER

    And the same for the remote control, so one player uses the keyboard and the second the remote control.




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    Portal Pro
    April 22, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Awesome game, played it for ages yesterday.

    could you make it save your settings for difficulty. ie: turns and time. so i don't need to set it up every time i use it.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 15, 2004
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    Germany Germany
    Hey jburnette,

    sorry for my false alarm. My music db seemed to be messed up. I rescanned all my files and now it works as exspected :D And it's a lot of fun!

    I like the ideas of a multiplayer mode and direct song chosing by e.g. number keys ;)



    Portal Member
    June 17, 2007
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Really Cool Plugin

    :D Thanks, Thanks, Thanks (had I say Thanks?), for this awesome plugin.
    We used to play this kind of game from an Ipod in shuffle mode.
    This is much more advanced.

    I must say I like the idea of a multiplayer mode! That would be even more fun:cool:

    Keep up the good work!


    Portal Pro
    August 24, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks to everyone for the compliments, I'm glad you like it.

    Good to hear. I was hoping it wasn't just bad coding on my part.

    I had thought about multiplayer but wasn't sure how it would work. That's not a bad idea with the keyboard and the remote. I'll see what I can do with that.

    Good idea, consider it done.


    Portal Pro
    July 26, 2006
    Home Country
    Italy Italy

    Very very funny ! Thanks for this game ! It's already almost perfect !

    -- Tested yesterday evening, entering in the plug-in and pressing "start" while watchin TV (I'm using TVE3 and new tsreader filter) nothing happen. Then pressing the "ESC" button the TV stops and entering again in the plug-in and pressing "start" everything start to works fine !

    -- Changed "tries" to 1 and used in this way. Then back to TV and back again to the plug-in and the "tries" value still 1 but playing you have 2 tries available (same report from "drunkmonkey0")

    -- Would be possible to exclude from the game songs that are with no id3 tag in the music database ? example "unknown" artist.
    I know I know........ I should complete my id3 tags and refill my music database ;)

    Cheers and thanks again !

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