Music Trivia (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Very very funny ! Thanks for this game ! It's already almost perfect !

-- Tested yesterday evening, entering in the plug-in and pressing "start" while watchin TV (I'm using TVE3 and new tsreader filter) nothing happen. Then pressing the "ESC" button the TV stops and entering again in the plug-in and pressing "start" everything start to works fine !

-- Changed "tries" to 1 and used in this way. Then back to TV and back again to the plug-in and the "tries" value still 1 but playing you have 2 tries available (same report from "drunkmonkey0")

-- Would be possible to exclude from the game songs that are with no id3 tag in the music database ? example "unknown" artist.
I know I know........ I should complete my id3 tags and refill my music database ;)

Cheers and thanks again !

DonBogo, glad you are liking it.

I didn't think about having the start button stop any currently running media, but that's a good idea. I'll also look into saving/loading the chosen settings on exit/enter as I said earlier.

I'm so used to having my stuff tagged correctly I didn't even think to put a check in place, but that's not a bad idea. I'm thinking artist/title should be sufficient.

Psycho Reptile

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  • April 19, 2006
    Cambridge, England
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    Very nice, only problem I found so far is that if you stop the game and navigate to the list control, you can't get back to the menu buttons. Also, could you add support for displaying a hover_musictrivia.png in the plugins menu, that way a hover image shows up like most the other plugins?


    Portal Pro
    August 24, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Very nice, only problem I found so far is that if you stop the game and navigate to the list control, you can't get back to the menu buttons. Also, could you add support for displaying a hover_musictrivia.png in the plugins menu, that way a hover image shows up like most the other plugins?

    Thanks, glad you are enjoying it. I had not noticed the bug after hitting stop. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll fix it ASAP.

    I'll definitely also add support for the hover images but I am horrible with graphics so I'm not even going to attempt to create any. I'll just leave that up to a skinning master like yourself.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    Hi jbournette,

    thanks for this plugin.

    Sadly, I wasn´t yet able to test it, because I have to rebuild my HTPC after a complete crash (nothing to do with your plugin ;) )

    We once had a little thread about a music quiz. These were some ideas that I came up with. Maybe not all applicable for your game, but take a look yourself:

    * With the help of the database you could narrow it to certain genres or decades

    * with the help of you could vary it from very popular songs to rather seldom played songs

    * With the help of you could choose (scrobble) only similar songs

    * Name players or choose from a prepopulated list

    * results in percent or points or time

    * stop song after x seconds or play until guess

    * only add a certain maximum time per guess + malus for wrong guesses

    * start songs in the middle (sample game) or at the beginning (intro game)

    * Maybe give a list of possible answers to choose from

    * buzz for solution, only tell your co-players verbally your guess, then press "show solution" <- easier to enter with remote then artist name

    * add a text to speech component (I think there is already one somewhere) "Well done"/"correct"/"brilliant"/applause or a couple of sound files the plugin chooses from

    * With a help button you could show the number of letters an artist name has and 2 of the letters. Another press would give you 2 more letters _ _ T _ _ R_ _ _ _

    * You could make it a 1 or 2 player/teams contest (2 clocks counting up) and guess in turns

    Hope to get everything set up again next week. Then I´ll try your game.



    Portal Pro
    August 24, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America

    That's quite an ambitious list! I like a lot of those ideas and have already implemented some of them. Let me tell you where I'm at right now. Currently there is two player support. The two player options are "simultaneous" and "alternating". Those are pretty self-explanatory. Simultaneous would require either two remotes or a remote and a keyboard. The numbers 1-4 are for player one and the numbers 6-9 are for player 2. Alternating would allow you to have two people (or two teams) and pass the remote back and forth. For that mode I have increased the dialogs that say "correct" and "incorrect" to 3.5 seconds to give you time to make the pass back and forth.

    I really wanted this to be a fast paced kind of thing so I'd rather stay away from any kind of text input with the remote as I find that to be annoying anytime I have to do it.

    Songs that are picked are started randomly between 10%-49% into the song. Only songs that are at least two minutes long are picked to be played.

    As for using for things, I'm afraid that would slow the game down too much. I would probably have to be accessing while the current song was playing, but what if you guessed after 2 seconds?

    I do like the idea of narrowing things by genre.

    Text-to-speech sounds neat but I'm not really familiar with how that works. I know a plugin exists for MP to do it so I'll take a look at that.

    All in all that looks like a good reference list to go by. I'll definitely take all of those into consideration, thanks.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    Oops, hope I didn´t scare you with that list. It was only some brainstorming I remembered when I saw your game. As I said, I´ll first try and maybe then come back with an idea or two :)

    I agree that text-input isn´t really a choice. So you´ll probably need a multiple choice list just like you have.

    The genre tag is just the one tag that I neglected more or less until now :)

    For the answer time of You might ask rtv on irc about it. He is the expert on this. But I think, if you play round 1 and your plugin would already choose song 2 and query, you´d probably be able to avoid any slow-downs.
    The problem I see is, if you have a broad range of music taste, and you have to guess a song by Cascada, and the offered answer options are Iron Maiden, The Beatles, Cascada and Fine Young Cannibals it is not too hard to make the right guess. But I think I´ll have to try the plugin first to tell.

    Text to speech is far fetched. But how about some nice sound files.


    Portal Pro
    August 24, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    Nah, I appreciate all the suggestions. I would not have been able to come up with all that on my own. I've run into the same problem you mentioned with the broad range of artists. I have a large collection that spans many many genres and sometimes the answer is pretty obvious. Limiting by genre will be a little harder than it sounds and will require me to move away from the GetRandomSong function for any game that is played with limited genre. If I were to keep using it there's no telling how long the loop would be before a song of said genre was found. It's definitely doable though by other methods. I'll definitely talk to rtv about just how long a query takes. The first couple of songs just might not use it but once you get further into the game I should be able to have a good 5-10 queries already returned. This is definitely worth a shot.

    Sounds was something my wife had suggested as well. Maybe a "ding" if you are correct or a "buzz" if you are wrong. What about wrong guesses, though? If you have 2 guesses and get the first one wrong and the second one right would you hear a buzz and a ding respectively? I'm thinking that the sound should only be played when you have used up all guesses and are wrong, have guessed correctly, or the timer has run out.

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