[Bug] [MUSIC] WASAPI makes crackling noises in combination with certain plugins (1 Viewer)



OK, just tested the X on my system. I have to put my ears on the speaker to hear the tick when i press the X, but it's there.
But... it ONLY happens when i toggle back to the playlist. When on the playlist > hit X > NowPlaying screen, i don't hear it.

It also happens at the same time on my pc. But it also occasionally happens while doing normal navigation inside mediaportal.

The crackling noise isn't always present, sometimes only after a multiple attempts, but mostly immediately.

And like I said, it may also happen with more plugins. So it still is a question if this related to mediaportal or the plugins.

Shall I make this an official bug?


Portal Pro
March 4, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
First round of results.

Tested Debugmode (no plugins) No audio problem present

Tested debugmode (with plugins) audio dropouts present.

My feeling: I have the feeling it has to do with the amount of threads pulling resources in MP in combination with wasapi.
Me punching X (like an idiot so often I punch it) causes the machine to be busy. A little bit too busy to keep the datastreem for wasapi constant.
Just guessing ofcourse, Im no dev.

I have skinsounds always disabled
wasapi exclusive mode
no (0) music mixing previous next song
Last edited:


Really annoying issue. I'm just playing some music this evening, and already got a number of hiccups in the music. Without touching the remote! :mad:


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Austria Austria
    I have verified with the developer of BASS.
    This happens, if WASAPI cannot process the samples delivered fast enough, because their are CPU spikes.
    There is an option to monitor the CPU usage, i need to see, how i can implement that.
    extensive logging of that values to mediaportal.log would introduce another delay.



    Could it be possible, that the buffer for WASAPI isn't working? I can set it to 0,04 or 2 seconds, but that doesn't make any difference. With both settings the music will play fine (except the bug in first post) even if I put my pc under a heavy load.

    When I put it in BASS player mode, I can't play music with 0,04 sec. buffer setting. But it works in 2 sec. buffer mode. Also when I skip music with 2 sec. buffer, it takes 2 sec. before the music actually skips.

    Is there a way to check if there is a buffer used under WASAPI?[DOUBLEPOST=1379235048][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I have verified with the developer of BASS.
    This happens, if WASAPI cannot process the samples delivered fast enough, because their are CPU spikes.
    There is an option to monitor the CPU usage, i need to see, how i can implement that.
    extensive logging of that values to mediaportal.log would introduce another delay.

    Ah you posted while I was typing the other message.

    I would be happy to test this!!


    I know this has been discussed before, but this skipping time issue is not what people expect when they increase the buffer. No other music player I know has this 'problem'. No way to drop the buffer when I want to skip to the next track?

    Also when I skip music with 2 sec. buffer, it takes 2 sec. before the music actually skips.


    I have verified with the developer of BASS.
    This happens, if WASAPI cannot process the samples delivered fast enough, because their are CPU spikes.
    There is an option to monitor the CPU usage, i need to see, how i can implement that.
    extensive logging of that values to mediaportal.log would introduce another delay.

    Hi, any progress on this? :cool:
    Sorry for bugging you with this every time. :rolleyes:

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