My Own Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (1 Viewer)


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  • December 17, 2006
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    South Africa South Africa
    Can I play Blueray with MP?

    There are currently 2 solutions for blueray integration in MP:
    Arcsoft player


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  • December 17, 2006
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    South Africa South Africa
    How can I know what filters/codecs are in use in MP?

    thanks BrownGhost

    Use Graphstudio - RadScorpion’s blog MONOGRAM GraphStudio
    Start MP in window mode.
    Start GraphStudio and File->Connect to remote graph and click connect.
    To use GraphStudio (or GraphEdit) in Vista you need an extra DLL - 'proppage.dll' - installed/registered (otherwise it can't connect to the 'remote graph').
    i.e. copy proppage.dll to (c:\Windows\system or system32), open a command prompt, 'cd' into that directory and register it by typing "regsvr32 proppage.dll"
    For 64 bit systems, copy proppage.dll into syswow64 and register there. But only use the 32 bit version of graphStudio.
    View attachment


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  • December 17, 2006
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    How do I disable MCE?

    thanks Ray/PD

    For the average person, just disable in services everything that has windows media centre in the name
    1. Open MMC - Win7 called Local Group Policy Editor, Hit start search for Group
    2. Load the group policy object editor
    3. Open the Local computer policy
    4. User config
    5. Admin templates
    6. Windows components
    7. Windows Media Center
    8. Do not allow Media center to run : Enable

    Open MP Configuration, select 3rd party checks and select the applicable option.


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  • December 17, 2006
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    MediaPortal stopped making sound anywhere?

    thanks Ray/PD

    Run MP in windowed mode (alt-enter), play a file with sound.
    Now go to the system tray sound icon and select mixer, you will find mediaportal volume has been disabled, just re-eneble and all should be fine.


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  • December 17, 2006
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    South Africa South Africa
    How do I play Apple .mov files?

    thanks hoborg

    Follow instructions in the 1st post of the SAF thread.

    thanks armandp

    One of the configurations that works 100% of the time on XP/VISTA (with Apple Trailers) is:

    Splitter: Haali Media Splitter
    H264: MPC Video Decoder or CoreAVC or PowerDVD H264
    Audio: MPC Audio Decoder (and set AC3Filter as postprocessing filter if desired)

    If you have AC3Filter as "postprocessing" filter then MPC Audio Decoder will only fill the gap between Haali and AC3Filter if AC3Filter can't handle the format (in case of Apple Trailer's AAC audio).

    Absolutely no need for Quicktime Alternative/Medialooks or Automatic Merit options in MP.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2006
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    South Africa South Africa
    How can i reorganize my movies into separate folders?

    How can i reorganize my movies into separate folders?

    Update 2010-01:
    See this thread. Have not tried it myself, but it looks promising.

    I had my movies all in one folder. Decided then that I prever creating a folder per movie. Easier to organize files. Cover, backdrop, etc.

    I created this little batch script to assist.

    - ALL FILES in current directory will be processed: Create new directory with same name as file. Move file(s) to new directory.
    - Existing sub-directories are ignored. Only files in current directory are processed.
    - It worked great for me, BUT I cannot take any responsibility for your usage. Use at own risk. Best would be to test it in a temp directory and see if you are happy.
    - REMEMBER if you use Moving Pictures, you will need to rescan the database!!!! Edit - I have NOT tested myself, but seems like with new version of MovingPictures, it may pick up the change automatically.

    1. Download attached file.
    2. Place it in the folder containing all movies.
    3. Run it
    4. I ended the script with a PAUSE command. You will see the dos box with all results. just press any key to close it if you are done reading.

    WARNING: do not use on network drive or folder...NOT TESTED for that. No validations...NO UNDO!!! Totally at own risk!!!


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