My Usenet (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
I'm still trying to get this to work. SABnzbd+ 0.3.3 works just fine when I download manually. However, I get an odd error in my logs when trying to use my usenet.

2008-04-13 21:44:40.859375 [Info.][11]: My Usenet: Error reading NZB dir from C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\sabnzbd.ini, read as c:\downloads\nzb

2008-04-13 21:44:49.062500 [ERROR][18]: My Usenet: Error downloading NZB, error message: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
at System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path)
at System.IO.Path.NormalizePathFast(String path, Boolean fullCheck)
at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path)
at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path, DirectorySecurity directorySecurity)
at myusenet.myusenet.getnzb()

Not exactly sure here. Is the path c:\downloads\nzb correct? If it is, can you post your dirscan_dir line from sabnzbd.ini? It may be some path format that I didn't account for.

I just wanted to say thanks! I love this plugin and its been working great for the past 3 months on my XP box.
I just updated my HTPC with vista and can not get the latest version working. I can search Newzbin fine but there no downloaded .nbz fine even after saying its been saved.

Config for using Newzbin (V3 and "NB V3 (attrs in table)") and Newsbin Pro 5.40RC2

Im not sure where I'm going wrong here. Attached is my Media Portal log. Any help would be great.

Looks like you've found a bug I've missed when using other usenet clients. Try this attached version that will hopefully fix your problem.


New Member
February 12, 2008
Hi there,

I just stumpled accross this great plugin, but I cannot get it to work properly.
I am using SABnzbd and NZBmatrix.
I configured the plugin, and I am able to search NZBmatrix from the plugin. When I select a file to be downloaded the plugin saves the NZB file in the right location. When SABnzbd opens the NZB file it does not appear in the queue. When I quickly copy the file before its opened by SAB I saw that the file size is quite small and always the same: 39kb. When opening the file in notepad I see that the file downloaded is actually a html file. Did I misconfigure something?



Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Hi there,

I just stumpled accross this great plugin, but I cannot get it to work properly.
I am using SABnzbd and NZBmatrix.
I configured the plugin, and I am able to search NZBmatrix from the plugin. When I select a file to be downloaded the plugin saves the NZB file in the right location. When SABnzbd opens the NZB file it does not appear in the queue. When I quickly copy the file before its opened by SAB I saw that the file size is quite small and always the same: 39kb. When opening the file in notepad I see that the file downloaded is actually a html file. Did I misconfigure something?


Well, it could be that you've checked the "VIP" box in the configuration of NZBMatrix. Looking at that response, you'll see that the error is this:

Sorry only VIP members can download in .NZB Format. Please use the Download As ZIP link or upgrade to VIP

So that tells me that the plugin is placing the 'nozip' flag at the end of the URL. Double check to make sure you haven't checked that box.


New Member
February 12, 2008
I checked if the VIP box was checked :), and it wasn't.
Also I tried checking the box to see if that helped, but it did not.
To make sure the right settings were used I looked into the myusenet1.xml file. There vip is set to False.


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Can you post your Mediaportal.log? I'm not sure why you're getting this error if you've got VIP set to false.


New Member
February 12, 2008
Here you go. I am kind of new with mediaportal, so I am not sure at what log level I should run to get the proper log. This log is the result op log level Information.


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
It looks like this is somewhat of a residual problem caused by an error when connecting to SABnzbd. Looking at your logs I see that the configuration is read successfully, but then it fails to actually connect to SABnzbd:

2008-04-16 22:26:15.328125 [Info.][18]: My Usenet: Error reading config: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at myusenet.SABapi.apiMainStatus(Uri address)
at myusenet.myusenet.sabnzbdgetvalues()
at myusenet.myusenet.getconfig()

Considering it fails when trying to get the values via SABnzbds API, that would most likely mean that you're using a version of SABnzbd before they implemented the API. Because of my top notch "error handling" :D , it's failing right there and never actually reading your NZBMatrix details. Check your SABnzbd version and make sure it's version 0.3.0 or above.


New Member
February 12, 2008
You are right, I was still using version 0.2.x.
I upgraded to 0.3.4, and that got the MyUsenet portion working perfectly. I know get status info and the NZB file is downloaded and put into the NZB Blackhole dir properly.

On the SAB side things are not going so well. SAB doesn't pick up the ZIP file although according to the SAB log it attempts to do so. When I manually try to import a ZIP file (from MyUsenet of downloaded manually from NZBmatrix) I get error 500 Internal server error.

I will try to find out what the reason is. Perhaps I need to upgrade of downgrade (a little). I will keep you informed.

Thank your for your support!



Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
You are right, I was still using version 0.2.x.
I upgraded to 0.3.4, and that got the MyUsenet portion working perfectly. I know get status info and the NZB file is downloaded and put into the NZB Blackhole dir properly.

On the SAB side things are not going so well. SAB doesn't pick up the ZIP file although according to the SAB log it attempts to do so. When I manually try to import a ZIP file (from MyUsenet of downloaded manually from NZBmatrix) I get error 500 Internal server error.

I will try to find out what the reason is. Perhaps I need to upgrade of downgrade (a little). I will keep you informed.

Thank your for your support!


Good to hear! Glad things are working better now. If you post the errors that are being generated in your SABnzbd.log (I would remove any actual NZB names) someone may be able to help straighten those out as well.


New Member
January 21, 2008
Will the new version (if there's coming a new one :) ) have support for SABnzbd+ 0.4.0Beta2 ?

the current version doesnt do anything ?

i upgraded because i never had any zip support on sab i placed tons of zip's in my NZB blackhole folder
but nothing ever happens

any thoughts ?

(Beta 2 also doesn't work)

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