Like the many movie catalog apps MyFilms supports as a database backend, there are a host of features and options to support many different configurations and use cases. Figuring out the best options to choose for your use case/preferences, and how to setup them up and use them can take some time. 
We continue to try and simplify the user interface, in the GUI as well as in Setup or Importing, to make it as 'intuitive' as possible, which is no small task with many features MyFilms supports! However, the MyFilms Wiki/User Guide is one of the best ways you can learn to use the features, or new features in each release.
As of v 6.0.3, we have significantly restructured the Wiki based on your feedback/questions in the MyFilms forum to try and address the most common issues. In particular we have add a new Setup Guides section to help you understand the various settings and options for the features you wish to use. Whenever several settings are required in different sections of MyFilms or AMC Updater setup, you will find a Setup Guide that provides an overview of the setup process and directs you to the wiki pages for detailed settings required. Whenever a feature requires specific setup, the feature pages in 'Using MyFilms' will link to the related Setup Guide or settings pages.
Wherever there are specific details or questions not easy to find in the Wiki, we have added entries to the MyFilms FAQ section.
We hope the enhanced and expanded Wiki will help make setting up and using MyFilms much easier for you. Please help us improve it even more by:
Improving documentation also significantly helps us improve the User Interface. By documenting the most common steps/methods you use to setup/implement features, we can then design the User Interface to make this process as easy as possible!
If you have any questions about using or editing the Wiki, please don't hesitate to ask!
We continue to try and simplify the user interface, in the GUI as well as in Setup or Importing, to make it as 'intuitive' as possible, which is no small task with many features MyFilms supports! However, the MyFilms Wiki/User Guide is one of the best ways you can learn to use the features, or new features in each release.
As of v 6.0.3, we have significantly restructured the Wiki based on your feedback/questions in the MyFilms forum to try and address the most common issues. In particular we have add a new Setup Guides section to help you understand the various settings and options for the features you wish to use. Whenever several settings are required in different sections of MyFilms or AMC Updater setup, you will find a Setup Guide that provides an overview of the setup process and directs you to the wiki pages for detailed settings required. Whenever a feature requires specific setup, the feature pages in 'Using MyFilms' will link to the related Setup Guide or settings pages.
Wherever there are specific details or questions not easy to find in the Wiki, we have added entries to the MyFilms FAQ section.
We hope the enhanced and expanded Wiki will help make setting up and using MyFilms much easier for you. Please help us improve it even more by:
- Providing feedback/suggestions about the Wik/structure in this thread
- Testing the documentation by trying to follow it step and by step as you implement new features and adding or clarifying the documentation. Any forum user may log in to the Wiki using their forum/MP user name/pw and edit or comment on wiki pages. Don't be shy, we can easily revert any mistakes
- Providing additional Setup or User Guides for how you use MyFilms to perform specific tasks or setup specific configurations. You can create a draft page on your Wiki user page (see MyPage on the wiki menu), or simply attach a text document to a forum post.
Improving documentation also significantly helps us improve the User Interface. By documenting the most common steps/methods you use to setup/implement features, we can then design the User Interface to make this process as easy as possible!
If you have any questions about using or editing the Wiki, please don't hesitate to ask!