MyStreams Plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 10, 2008
Home Country
Ireland Ireland
Hi All

I needed a way to watch streaming tv in mediaplayer and searching about I couldn't find a non website (youtube etc..) specific plugin :confused: so seeing as its xmas and I found myself with a few hours to spare I decided to muck about with Media portal plugin coding and try my hand at C#.
This is ONLY a test version and wasnt going to post here untill its finished but seeing as its pretty much feature complete, and it being xmas I decided to chuck it up incase anyone else wanted to try it out :)
(NB the skin provided is only a very basic one (dont hit me Im still learining :) )

so whats it do?
well the goal was to get Mediaportal to play windows media player compatable web streams full screen and this is pretty much all it does.

I intend to update the attached version soon enough with one featuring a few minor upgrades such as the ability to group streams together and having a set of proper skins along with the plugin source code.

Updated attachement to version 0.0.9b

- minor update for "the plugin is incompatible with this version of MP". issue
- changed skin and cfg filenames to better distinguish between the two.

Updated attachement to version 0.0.9

- Added Grouping of streams
- Attempted to fix the "the plugin is incompatible with this version of MP" by changing plugin ID and rebuilding dll using most recent source and version of Media Portal files (release 1).


  • MyStreams 0_0_9b.rar
    30.6 KB


Portal Pro
November 7, 2005
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
I tried the plugin on two PCs with the latest MP 1.0.
It works fine only on the first one.
When I open "plugins" section on the second, I have something like "the plugin is incompatible with this version of MP".


Portal Member
June 10, 2008
Home Country
Ireland Ireland
hiya bounguine matey,

not sure whats happening but I did use the plugin ID thats in the plugin code example so it may be clashing with another plugin using the same ID. I plan to put an updated version here in the next day or two (sorry for delay been side tracked with xmas boozups hehe) and will be changing the ID hopefully it might fix your problem. in the meantime as soon as I get a chance I'll try play around with installs and see if I can replicate the issue :)


New Member
January 5, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
this was perfect for me

I'm very new to media portal, i've only been using it a couple of weeks, i found your plugin on the forum and it was perfect for what i needed also. A plugin that would let me view video feeds from CNN or whatever, but it didn't work with my skin Black & White 1080, so i played with the XML and it works GREAT now, course would like a lil more in the features, but this is a great plugin exactly what i needed, THANK YOU!!


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    I tried the plugin on two PCs with the latest MP 1.0.
    It works fine only on the first one.
    When I open "plugins" section on the second, I have something like "the plugin is incompatible with this version of MP".

    i got the same problem same note... i use mp1 any way to fix ?




    New Member
    June 7, 2007
    Home Country
    thanks a lot thats wath i was looking for a long time....
    i wish u could put in groups like you where saying...
    ...put in for TV and RADIO strems...
    ...put in logos for groups and stations... to use flash, wmp, TVU, REAL and SOAP...
    ... and make a share database for all for sharing streams...

    AGAIN thanks a lot, its my favorite plugin:::))))))


    Portal Member
    June 10, 2008
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    Hi guys

    Thanks for the responses and encouragement its much appreciated :) really sorry for not updating but I got cought up over christmas catching up with friends and relatives that had come home from abroad for a few days and as a result I didnt get much time to work on the plugin :/ but I did manage a to get a couple of hours in, in between visits to the boozer :)

    As it stands the config section for groups is in place I now need to implement the gui front end which I'll try get done tonight and post an update. I have been thinking of more things to add and want to try implement a method to allow some control over sopcast (and hopefully it will encompass a few other external apps like pplive)

    bounguine, ysmp: I haven't been able to replicate that problem but I will update the internal plugin ID as this was pilfered from the getting started with MP plugin tutorial and it may be conflicting with another plugin. on the off chance however it may be something to do with the version of windows media player, its just a stab in the dark as I cant really see a reason why it wouldnt play but ye knever bloody know with that thing, just incase im running version 11.0.5721.5145. Incidentaly at what point do you get the error message? on startup, config or when you try to select it from myhome menu?

    loo101: cheers for the words of encouragement matey, much appreciated. Groups are in as you can see above ;) I was going to put in radio stations in originally but there are a good few of them about and though it was pretty much saturated, but I may schneak it in at some stage, as it stands mind it should play radio streams (providing windows media player can play it) if you put one in the url instead of a tv stream.

    as for the logo's I intend to allow custom logo's when I get around to updating the skins and will also implement a section to manage them under the configuration bit :)

    right im off to grab some din dins and will hopefully post an update in a few hours with any luck ;)


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2005
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    bradyph, I always get the error, when I try to open "plugins" section in MP-console.
    After that the section is opened, but without your plugin

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