Set backs...
monday night I shattered the bones in my fingers playing touch football (don't ask)
Dragon Naturally speaking is working well writing this.
Needless to say development on this plugin is going to be delayed for a while. 3 pins and a whole lot of rehab should be fun.
Apologies to the MP community I hope I can return to this project eventually. Anyone interested in continuing let me know I'll see if I can release the source.
monday night I shattered the bones in my fingers playing touch football (don't ask)
Dragon Naturally speaking is working well writing this.
Needless to say development on this plugin is going to be delayed for a while. 3 pins and a whole lot of rehab should be fun.
Apologies to the MP community I hope I can return to this project eventually. Anyone interested in continuing let me know I'll see if I can release the source.