MyTVSeries - Plugin that organizes TV Video Files (6 Viewers)

Should I implement an automatic file organizer to move and rename files?

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New Member
July 11, 2006
As a recent convert from Medio this plugin was the main reason to come to MediaPortal. I have tons of TV and the ability to organize it effectively is a must.

There is just one thing I have not figured out how to do. My TV Library updates regularly. Is there a way to schedule the import of descriptions or to kick it off from inside of MediaPortal?



New Member
July 11, 2006
Ahh…I see it now. I am able to pull it up with the mouse, but I need to pay with my MCE buttons to figure out how to do it from the remote.

Also I found a minor, but annoying, bug. I am unable to import show detales from the series “Dungeons & Dragons†I am assuming the & is causing problems.



Portal Member
June 27, 2006
I am loving this plugin, its the one thing I really didn't have back when I was using GBPVR.

One problem though (most likely with my setup)

Whenever I am in the import page of the plugin config, I am always asked to confirm all the episodes with an apostrophe (') in the name. I then check the database, and the filename is set properly to the episode, however I am continually asked.

Another thing, based on what a few people have mentioned about certain shows crapping out with "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" I am getting this error on the following shows:

Dharma & Greg (even after changing the names to Dharma Greg)
Ham on the Street
Star Trek The Next Generation

All my other shows are working properly with Regex.

Thanks again for developing the program and hope the hand gets better.


New Member
July 13, 2006
I have just grabbed this plugin as this is exactly what I am looking for. I know its still in development, but it fantastic so far.

As with Uries, I have getting the same error message with one of my series...

God, The Devil and Bob

As a suggestion, when looking for series names, can you also look at the folder name. For example, using the series name above, The folder is correctly labelled, but each episode is labelled as...

GDaB - 1x01 - In The Begining

Obviously GDaB is not a vaild series name.

Thanks, and keep up the great work.



Portal Member
July 26, 2005
The Netherlands
I thinks its the firewall

First of all great the see that series info can be retieved again. I was quite upset when
the old parser stoppped working due to the new layout. But back to the matter at hand,
I get the following when importing on my Shuttle MP system:

7/15/2006 5:35:17 PM - ---
7/15/2006 5:35:17 PM - Processing File: m:\series\lost\lost.s02e23.s02e24.[hdtv].[].avi
7/15/2006 5:35:17 PM - Regular Expression: '(?<series>[^$]*) (s|season |)(?<season>[0-9]{1,2})( |)(x|e|ep)(?<episode>[0-9]{1,2})(( |)(-( |)|))(?<title>[^$]*)
7/15/2006 5:35:17 PM - Parsed Information: Lost S02e23 - 2x24 - [Hdtv] [Www Tensiontorrent Com]
7/15/2006 5:35:17 PM - Seaching for matches on parsed series name.
7/15/2006 5:35:17 PM - Downloading webpage: s02e23
7/15/2006 5:35:19 PM - did not return any matches for the parsed series name. Skipping file as per options.
7/15/2006 5:35:19 PM - ---

I tried the following:

1. Put this s02e23 in the internet explorer, that works
2. Turn off the windows firewall, still nothing
3. Same version MP + plugin on my desktop system, that works

Any ideas on what's going on



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  • June 29, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    As Uries, I have the same problem with

    Star Trek TNG
    Star Trek TOS

    I made sure, that all series are labelled correct and there are no special episodes in it - just plain series.....

    The series is found, but when downloading series info (not episode info) it just stops with
    "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries.ImportVideo.Start() "

    Any clues ? Actually I just wanted to wait for the next release, but since so many people have the same problem, maybe there is a workaround....



    Portal Member
    March 1, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    I have this problem also with Friends and The Unit.

    I'm hoping someone can either post an updated version (or the source code)




    Portal Member
    June 23, 2006
    Same problem with Darkplace (and Friends as already mentioned). Says 'Found an exact match...."
    Then starts downloading the info before crashing.

    According to a quick search I did on the error...

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    "You probably get this error message more than others, and the cause is that a variable is used in code, but that variable doesn't contain a reference to any object in memory. If you try to call .ToString() on an object, and your variable is null, you'll get this exception. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out what's going on, but if you look at your stack trace, you can find out what method this Exception came from. Then, debug through that method and find the offending variable. ... "

    Sounds relatively easy to trace the problem if the source code's available. (Not saying that I could do it though!!)

    However, Salty did offer to release the source code in a post on June 15th if anyone wanted to continue development and there have been several offers to do exactly that since.

    Here's hoping the fingers are healing nicely and that Salty can release the code soon for someone to look at. I'm sure this plugin once sorted will be included with Mediaportal as standard as it's so damn useful.

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