I renamed all my stuff...and aside from Chapelle Show and Spider-Man (older animated series - it's not on episodeworld for some oddball reason), everything imported semi-ok. My double episode files didn't import right, however.
My naming convention is:
This parses it fine:
I'd like to be able to strip out the HDTV/LOL/DIVX crap from the end, but the replacement parser doesn't seem to remove them correctly. I've used this naming convention so I dont always have to rename files I download since that seems to be a semi-standard.
I think the next big upgrade, that would be most helpful, is the ability to manually enter fields as an option in the selection list ... like Chose ABC, or enter your own.
The double episode issue should be working (at least it does for me).
My naming convention is similar to yours, for a double episode it would be like this:
To setup the "comma" as the delimiter in a double episode file, one needs to enter it into the tool. This can be done in the tab labeled "Parser Options". The default value is set to be &, Change this to just the comma. Now import the files.
mce1280x720 handels myTVSeries plugin perfectly. its a widescreen skin and its great and constatly updated by Boilermaker. I am using it. I manually edit the myTVSeries.xml that came with mce1280x720 to show the TV banner as well. If you are interested let me know i will post a Screenshot and the xml code.
Agreed. Razor handles it well, too. However, out of the box it is made for 4:3 skins. Having said that, I'd love to see the screenshot and xml code you use.