MyTVSeries - Plugin that organizes TV Video Files (2 Viewers)

Should I implement an automatic file organizer to move and rename files?

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Retired Team Member
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  • September 12, 2005
    Re: Here are some screen shots of the MP Configuration GUI

    WeeToddDid said:
    How do I upload images?

    If you need somewhere to put some screenshots or whatever to put in the thread I'm happy to host them on my server. Just mail them to me and I'll put them up. PM me if you're interested.



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 2, 2005
    Ottawa, Canada
    Sorry, I went on vacation.... anyway, I have almost completed the plugin supporting classes and configuration GUI. I would like to show some screenshot and provide the source codes for everyone to take a look and possibly test. However, I am cannot seem to resolve or get my ISP to allocate me some web space in a timely fashion.

    Email me and I'll send you a copy...

    Raven, could you send me your email address or update your profile?


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 2, 2005
    Ottawa, Canada

    Sorry for the late response, but I have been really busy. I managed to get some webspace. here are some screenshots





    Retired Team Member
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  • December 2, 2005
    Ottawa, Canada
    Source Codes and Latest News

    Although this plugin is still under development, the latest sources will be posted in this folder here.

    The configuration GUI still need a lot of work, but it can perform the following when clicking on the "Import Video" button"

    - Scan the directory for avi files. (I'll add the rest of the supporting video format soon)
    - Perform a seach and replace on matching strings in the filename
    - Exract episode information from filename using regular expressions (series name, episode, season, and episode title)
    - Looks up the parsed series name and return search results from (auto selects if exact match is found)
    - Downloads series summary information and stores in database
    - Download episode listing and stores in database
    - Uses all availale information from filename to determine exact episode
    - Download episode information and stores in database

    TO DO (at least the things I can think of right now):
    - Although I have built a basic database structure. I need to create functions to modify and delete information. I also need to finish some tables and respective functions (Episode Actor, Director, Writer Tables)
    - Create a reqular expression builder and tester GUI to allow the user to easily add new expressions for new filename formats. I need to develop a function to save this info as well.
    - Create a search and replace GUI and store values. A save function also needs to be created.
    - Create a dialog to present to user to select episode if it cannot be automatically selected.
    - Allow users to modify info within GUI
    - Implement an image download feature (already available in MP)
    - Add GUI area to allow user to store a path of videos files that should automatically be imported
    - Fix HTML parsing regular expression of epiosde description
    - Add GUI area to allow user to change HTML parsing regular expressions
    - Build Media Portal GUI or intgrate into My Videos
    - Implement a Torrent Downloader


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 2, 2005
    Ottawa, Canada
    Filename parsing and Regular Expressions

    I need a really good list of video filename so I can build better regular expressions. Better yet, if anyone want to build some that can read their library, that would be great.

    If you want to give me a list, just go in the command line (DOS prompt) and CD into the root of the TV video folder. Then type the following command:

    dir /s /b > filelist.txt

    review that file in notepad to make sure it look right and email it to me @


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