[Myvideo] import / scan files using nfo (1 Viewer)


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    MediaPortal Version: 1.3.0

    NFO are not used for import Video files with *.nfo

    1. -Using "Scan" in Configuration.exe
    Go to
    Config.exe > Video > Video database > Scan Tab

    Explain :
    All moviefiles with NFO, are not imported directly, IMDB internet scrapper is used !

    2. Using "Scan" in GUI
    Same issue as 1. with using "Scan" function in GUI on Folder with containing Subfolders by movie (dédicated)

    1. & 2. seems to be same function, because only "IMDB n°" is read in NFO for search on internet scrappers!

    3. Function related to import NFO in GUI :
    - "Scan using NFO" worked with import NFO. (set for that) . OK
    - F3(IMDB) on movie file, directly import NFO without internet . OK

    4. I have conflict with scan, movie name for search, is full path, after manual correction, the movie is found by the scrapper !

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Go to MyVideo
    and use "SCAN" on folder
    Internet grabber is used and no NFO

    same step for configuration.exe

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    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    Yes it's true, I repaired that on my private build but honestly, I can't extrude separate patch because it is all in one as many of them depends on each other so I have to dig what exactly is changed for this :)


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
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    • #4
    I repaired that on my private build but honestly,
    EHHHHHHHHHHH, you forget me !!!!!!!!! LOL :p
    I can't extrude separate patch because it is all in one as many of them depends on each other
    too bad, push in local, MDRRR (y)

    i have lot of work for you LOL for MyVidéo : ARE YOU READY


    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    I can give you all files (they are not secret :)) so you can see are your issues resolved, just use them on clean new master without TV (some of changed files are just mine experiments/fixes but they are all used on live system longer than one year).

    Just pull new master somwhere and overwrite files with those in RAR.

    PS: I know that I didn't changed nfo fetch from config because I left possibility to update movie info from web if I want, to use nfo just tick Use only nfo scraper and only movies with corresponding nfo file will be created/updated, from GUI nfo will prevail (without need to tick that option in config) and rest of the movies without nfo will be scraped by movie scraper script.


    • x_DedaBranch.rar
      429.4 KB
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    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
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    • #6
    I can give you all files (they are not secret :))
    WOOOOOO, many files are changed :sick:
    Please share your work at each change/feature/bugfix :X3:. and it's not funny, you working alone :D

    I hope new feature from you for MyVidéo .... :X3:


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
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    France France
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    • #7
    Deda, i don't the time, for test all your change ( for now)
    you don't know what your has changed (since one year :D ) ? and open one ticket with many enhancement , same as MP1.3 rework ?
    i know for now, is not the best because we want have "one" tickets by change, but if wa describe at max, perhaps we can do it !
    what do you think ??

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