Need help installing Schedules Direct Plugin (1 Viewer)


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  • Premium Supporter
  • August 31, 2010
    San Luis Obispo, CA
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    So I did what you said and here is the TV.log

    2010-10-08 21:16:05.951625 [PowerEventThread(8)]: TV service PowerEventThread 49403
    2010-10-08 21:16:05.951625 [PowerEventThread(8)]: TV service PowerEventThread 49403
    2010-10-08 21:16:08.514125 [PowerEventThread(8)]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2010-10-08 21:16:08.514125 [PowerEventThread(8)]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2010-10-08 21:16:08.561000 [PowerEventThread(8)]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2010-10-08 21:16:08.561000 [PowerEventThread(8)]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2010-10-08 21:20:30.592250 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- SetupTv v1.1.0.0 is starting up on Windows XP ( Service Pack 3 ) [5.1.2600.196608]
    2010-10-08 21:20:30.592250 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- check connection with database ----
    2010-10-08 21:20:30.982875 [SetupTv(1)]: SetupDatabaseForm: Added dependency for TvService - MySQL
    2010-10-08 21:20:30.982875 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----
    2010-10-08 21:20:30.998500 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- upgrade database schema ----
    2010-10-08 21:20:30.998500 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- check if tvservice is running ----
    2010-10-08 21:20:31.014125 [SetupTv(1)]: RemoteControl: RegisterChannel first called in Domain SetupTv.exe for thread SetupTv with id 1
    2010-10-08 21:20:32.154750 [PowerEventThread(8)]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2010-10-08 21:20:33.826625 [SetupTv(1)]: Util: Version of installed Psisdecd.dll: 6.5.2715.2883 Path: C:\dvbfix\psisdecd.dll
    2010-10-08 21:27:01.717250 [SetupTv(1)]: TCP connect took : 5

    It does not look too interesting so I also included the old TV.log

    2010-10-04 10:51:02.281250 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- SetupTv v1.1.0.0 is starting up on Windows XP ( Service Pack 3 ) [5.1.2600.196608]
    2010-10-04 10:51:02.281250 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- started in Deploy mode ----
    2010-10-04 10:51:02.281250 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- check connection with database ----
    2010-10-04 10:51:05.812500 [SetupTv(1)]: SetupDatabaseForm: Added dependency for TvService - MySQL
    2010-10-04 10:51:05.843750 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- SetupDatabaseForm: server = Pedro, local = True
    2010-10-04 10:51:05.859375 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----
    2010-10-04 10:51:05.875000 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- create database ----
    2010-10-04 10:51:05.937500 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS MpTvDb;CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS MpTvDb;USE MpTvDb;
    2010-10-04 10:51:05.953125 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `CanceledSchedule` (`idCanceledSchedule` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idSchedule` int(11) NOT NULL,`cancelDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idCanceledSchedule`),KEY `FK_CanceledSchedule_Schedule` (`idSchedule`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:05.984375 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Card` (`idCard` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`devicePath` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,`name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`priority` int(11) NOT NULL,`grabEPG` bit(1) NOT NULL,`lastEpgGrab` datetime NOT NULL,`recordingFolder` varchar(256) NOT NULL,`idServer` int(11) NOT NULL,`enabled` bit(1) NOT NULL,`camType` int(11) NOT NULL,`timeshiftingFolder` varchar(256) NOT NULL,`recordingFormat` int(11) NOT NULL,`decryptLimit` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idCard`),KEY `FK_Card_Server` (`idServer`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.031250 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `CardGroup` (`idCardGroup` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idCardGroup`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.250000 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `CardGroupMap` (`idMapping` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idCard` int(11) NOT NULL,`idCardGroup` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idMapping`),KEY `FK_CardGroupMap_Card` (`idCard`),KEY `FK_CardGroupMap_CardGroup` (`idCardGroup`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.281250 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Channel` (`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`isRadio` bit(1) NOT NULL,`isTv` bit(1) NOT NULL,`timesWatched` int(11) NOT NULL,`totalTimeWatched` datetime NOT NULL,`grabEpg` bit(1) NOT NULL,`lastGrabTime` datetime NOT NULL,`sortOrder` int(11) NOT NULL,`visibleInGuide` bit(1) NOT NULL,`externalId` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`freetoair` bit(1) NOT NULL,`displayName` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`epgHasGaps` bit(1) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idChannel`),KEY `idxChannel` (`isTv`,`sortOrder`),KEY `idxChannelRadio` (`isRadio`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.640625 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: update Channel set `epgHasGaps`=0;CREATE TABLE `ChannelGroup` (`idGroup` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`groupName` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`sortOrder` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idGroup`),KEY `IDX_ChannelGroup` (`sortOrder`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.750000 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `ChannelLinkageMap` (`idMapping` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idPortalChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`idLinkedChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idMapping`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.781250 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `ChannelMap` (`idChannelMap` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`idCard` int(11) NOT NULL,`epgOnly` bit(1) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idChannelMap`),KEY `FK_ChannelMap_Cards` (`idCard`),KEY `FK_ChannelMap_Channels` (`idChannel`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.812500 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: update ChannelMap set `epgOnly`=0;CREATE TABLE `Conflict` (`idConflict` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idSchedule` int(11) NOT NULL,`idConflictingSchedule` int(11) NOT NULL,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`conflictDate` datetime NOT NULL,`idCard` int(11) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idConflict`),KEY `FK_Conflict_Channel` (`idChannel`),KEY `FK_Conflict_Schedule` (`idSchedule`),KEY `FK_Conflict_Schedule1` (`idConflictingSchedule`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.859375 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `DiSEqCMotor` (`idDiSEqCMotor` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idCard` int(11) NOT NULL,`idSatellite` int(11) NOT NULL,`position` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idDiSEqCMotor`),KEY `FK_DisEqcMotor_Satellite` (`idSatellite`),KEY `FK_DisEqcMotor_Card` (`idCard`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.890625 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Favorite` (`idFavorite` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idProgram` int(11) NOT NULL,`priority` int(11) NOT NULL,`timesWatched` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idFavorite`),KEY `FK_Favorites_Programs` (`idProgram`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.921875 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `GroupMap` (`idMap` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idGroup` int(11) NOT NULL,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`SortOrder` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idMap`),KEY `FK_GroupMap_Channel` (`idChannel`),KEY `FK_GroupMap_ChannelGroup` (`idGroup`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:06.968750 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `History` (`idHistory` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL,`title` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,`description` text NOT NULL,`genre` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,`recorded` bit(1) NOT NULL,`watched` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idHistory`),KEY `FK_History_Channel` (`idChannel`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.015625 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Keyword` (`idKeyword` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`keywordName` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`rating` int(11) NOT NULL,`autoRecord` bit(1) NOT NULL,`searchIn` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idKeyword`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.046875 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `KeywordMap` (`idKeywordMap` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idKeyword` int(11) NOT NULL,`idChannelGroup` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idKeywordMap`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.093750 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `PersonalTVGuideMap` (`idPersonalTVGuideMap` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idKeyword` int(11) NOT NULL,`idProgram` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idPersonalTVGuideMap`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.390625 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Program` (`idProgram` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL,`title` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,`description` text NOT NULL,`seriesNum` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`episodeNum` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`genre` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`originalAirDate` datetime NOT NULL,`classification` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`starRating` int(11) NOT NULL,`notify` bit(1) NOT NULL,`parentalRating` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idProgram`),UNIQUE KEY `idProgramBeginEnd` (`idChannel`,`startTime`,`endTime`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.484375 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `RadioChannelGroup` (`idGroup` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`groupName` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`sortOrder` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idGroup`),KEY `IDX_RadioChannelGroup` (`sortOrder`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.515625 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `RadioGroupMap` (`idMap` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idGroup` int(11) NOT NULL,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`SortOrder` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idMap`),KEY `FK_RadioGroupMap_Channel` (`idChannel`),KEY `FK_RadioGroupMap_ChannelGroup` (`idGroup`),KEY `IDX_RadioGroupMap_SortOrder` (`SortOrder`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.562500 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Recording` (`idRecording` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL,`title` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,`description` varchar(8000) NOT NULL,`genre` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`fileName` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,`keepUntil` int(11) NOT NULL,`keepUntilDate` datetime NOT NULL,`timesWatched` int(11) NOT NULL,`idServer` int(11) NOT NULL,`stopTime` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idRecording`),KEY `FK_Recording_Server` (`idServer`),KEY `FK_Recordings_Channels` (`idChannel`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.593750 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Satellite` (`idSatellite` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`satelliteName` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`transponderFileName` varchar(200) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idSatellite`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.625000 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Schedule` (`id_Schedule` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`scheduleType` int(11) NOT NULL,`programName` varchar(256) NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL,`maxAirings` int(11) NOT NULL,`priority` int(11) NOT NULL,`directory` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,`quality` int(11) NOT NULL,`keepMethod` int(11) NOT NULL,`keepDate` datetime NOT NULL,`preRecordInterval` int(11) NOT NULL,`postRecordInterval` int(11) NOT NULL,`canceled` datetime NOT NULL,`recommendedCard` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`id_Schedule`),KEY `FK_Schedule_Channel` (`idChannel`),KEY `IDX_Schedule_ScheduleType` (`scheduleType`),KEY `IDX_Schedule_ProgramName` (`programName`),KEY `IDX_Schedule_StartTime` (`startTime`),KEY `IDX_Schedule_EndTime` (`endTime`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.656250 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Server` (`idServer` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`isMaster` bit(1) NOT NULL,`hostName` varchar(256) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idServer`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.703125 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Setting` (`idSetting` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`tag` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`value` varchar(4096) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idSetting`),KEY `IDX_Setting_Tag` (`tag`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.734375 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Timespan` (`idTimespan` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idKeyword` int(11) NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL,`dayOfWeek` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idTimespan`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.781250 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `TuningDetail` (`idTuning` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`provider` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`channelType` int(11) NOT NULL,`channelNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,`frequency` int(11) NOT NULL,`countryId` int(11) NOT NULL,`isRadio` bit(1) NOT NULL,`isTv` bit(1) NOT NULL,`networkId` int(11) NOT NULL,`transportId` int(11) NOT NULL,`serviceId` int(11) NOT NULL,`pmtPid` int(11) NOT NULL,`freeToAir` bit(1) NOT NULL,`modulation` int(11) NOT NULL,`polarisation` int(11) NOT NULL,`symbolrate` int(11) NOT NULL,`diseqc` int(11) NOT NULL,`switchingFrequency` int(11) NOT NULL,`bandwidth` int(11) NOT NULL,`majorChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`minorChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`pcrPid` int(11) NOT NULL,`videoSource` int(11) NOT NULL,`tuningSource` int(11) NOT NULL,`videoPid` int(11) NOT NULL,`audioPid` int(11) NOT NULL,`band` int(11) NOT NULL,`satIndex` int(11) NOT NULL,`innerFecRate` int(11) NOT NULL,`pilot` int(11) NOT NULL,`rollOff` int(11) NOT NULL,`url` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`bitrate` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idTuning`),KEY `IDX_TuningDetail1` (`idChannel`),KEY `IDX_TuningDetail_Edit` (`networkId`,`transportId`,`serviceId`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:07.953125 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `TvMovieMapping` (`idMapping` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`idChannel` int(11) NOT NULL,`stationName` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`timeSharingStart` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`timeSharingEnd` varchar(200) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idMapping`),KEY `FK_TvMovieMapping_Channel` (`idChannel`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.000000 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: CREATE TABLE `Version` (`idVersion` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`versionNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`idVersion`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.031250 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: INSERT INTO `Version` (`idVersion`,`versionNumber`) VALUES(1,38);
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.031250 [SetupTv(1)]: - Database created.
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.046875 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- upgrade database schema ----
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.062500 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Card`ADD COLUMN `preload` bit(1) NOT NULL;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=39;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.125000 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 39
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.125000 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Card`ADD COLUMN `CAM` bit(0) NOT NULL;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=40;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.187500 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 40
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.187500 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `TuningDetail`ADD COLUMN `audioSource` int(1) NOT NULL;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=41;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.250000 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 41
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.265625 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `TuningDetail`ADD COLUMN `isVCRSignal` bit(1) NOT NULL;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=42;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.453125 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 42
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.453125 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Schedule`ADD COLUMN `series` bit(1) NOT NULL;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=43;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.515625 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 43
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.531250 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Program`ADD COLUMN `episodeName` text NOT NULL,ADD COLUMN `episodePart` text NOT NULL;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=44;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.578125 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 44
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.593750 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Recording`MODIFY COLUMN `fileName` VARCHAR(260) NOT NULL,ADD INDEX `IDX_Recording_Filename`(`fileName`);ALTER TABLE `Program`ADD INDEX `IDX_Program_Notify`(`notify`);UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=45;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.718750 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 45
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.718750 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Recording`ADD COLUMN `episodeName` text NOT NULL;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=46;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.781250 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 46
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.796875 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Recording`ADD COLUMN `seriesNum` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,ADD COLUMN `episodeNum` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,ADD COLUMN `episodePart` TEXT NOT NULL;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=47;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.843750 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 47
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.843750 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Server`ADD COLUMN `rtspPort` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 554;UPDATE `Version` SET `versionNumber`=48;
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.906250 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 48
    2010-10-04 10:51:08.906250 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Recording` ADD COLUMN `isRecording` BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;ALTER TABLE `Recording` ADD COLUMN `idSchedule` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;ALTER TABLE `Program` ADD COLUMN `state` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;UPDATE `Program` SET state=1 WHERE notify=1;ALTER TABLE `Program` DROP COLUMN `notify`;ALTER TABLE `Program` ADD INDEX IDX_Program_State(state);ALTER TABLE `Schedule` ADD COLUMN `idParentSchedule` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;UPDATE Version SET versionNumber=49;
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.265625 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 49
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.265625 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `Card`ADD COLUMN `NetProvider` TINYINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;UPDATE Version SET versionNumber=50;
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.328125 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 50
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.328125 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;ALTER TABLE `CanceledSchedule`ADD COLUMN `idChannel` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;UPDATE Version SET versionNumber=51;
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.390625 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 51
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.390625 [SetupTv(1)]:   Exec SQL: USE MpTvDb;DELETE FROM `ChannelLinkageMap`;ALTER TABLE `ChannelLinkageMap`ADD COLUMN `displayName` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL;UPDATE Version SET versionNumber=52;
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.531250 [SetupTv(1)]: - database upgraded to schema version 52
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.531250 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- check if tvservice is running ----
    2010-10-04 10:51:09.656250 [SetupTv(1)]: RemoteControl: RegisterChannel first called in Domain SetupTV.exe for thread SetupTv with id 1
    2010-10-04 10:51:14.187500 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- tvservice is not running ----
    2010-10-04 10:51:14.187500 [SetupTv(1)]: ---- start tvservice----
    2010-10-04 10:51:14.671875 [(5)]: TV service: Starting
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.140625 [TVService(5)]: TVService v1.1.0.0 is starting up on Windows XP ( Service Pack 3 ) [5.1.2600.196608]
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.156250 [TVService(5)]: Controller: Initializing TVServer
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.156250 [TVService(5)]: Controller: 1 init attempt
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.156250 [PowerEventThread(8)]: TV service PowerEventThread message loop is running
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.328125 [TVService(5)]: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\gentle.config
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.328125 [TVService(5)]: Controller: using MySQL database connection: Server=Pedro;Database=MpTvDb;User ID=root;Password
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.328125 [TVService(5)]: ----------------------------
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.343750 [TVService(5)]: Detecting Cards
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.562500 [TVService(5)]: Detected IP TV Card 0
    2010-10-04 10:51:16.984375 [TVService(5)]: Detected analog card:conexant falcon tuner
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.046875 [TVService(5)]: Controller: started at Pedro
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.046875 [TVService(5)]: Controller: local ip address:
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.125000 [TVService(5)]: Controller: create new server in database
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.125000 [TVService(5)]: Controller: new server created for Pedro master:True 
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.140625 [TVService(5)]: Controller: add card:MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.156250 [TVService(5)]: Controller: add card:Conexant Falcon Tuner
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.171875 [TVService(5)]: Controller: add card:RadioWebStream Card (builtin)
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.171875 [TVService(5)]: Controller: NOT preloading card :RadioWebStream Card (builtin)
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.171875 [TVService(5)]: Controller: NOT preloading card :Conexant Falcon Tuner
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.171875 [TVService(5)]: Controller: NOT preloading card :MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.187500 [TVService(5)]: Controller: setup hybrid cards
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.250000 [TVService(5)]: Controller: creating timeshifting folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer for card "RadioWebStream Card (builtin)"
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.250000 [TVService(5)]: Controller: card RadioWebStream Card (builtin): current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.250000 [TVService(5)]: Controller: card Conexant Falcon Tuner: current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.265625 [TVService(5)]: Controller: card MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter: current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.265625 [TVService(5)]: Controller: setup streaming
    2010-10-04 10:51:17.937500 [TVService(5)]: Scheduler: started
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.671875 [TVService(5)]: Scheduler: loaded 0 schedules
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.671875 [TVService(5)]: Scheduler: thread started.
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.671875 [TVService(5)]: DiskManagement: started
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.671875 [TVService(5)]: Controller: setup HeartBeat Monitor
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.671875 [TVService(5)]: Controller: recalculating program states
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.671875 [TVService(5)]: schedule.SynchProgramStatesForAll
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.687500 [TVService(5)]: Controller: initalized
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.687500 [TVService(5)]: Controller: TVServer initialized okay
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.703125 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Load plugins
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.765625 [HeartBeatMonitor(10)]: Controller: Heartbeat Monitor initiated, max timeout allowed is 30 sec.
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.781250 [TVService(5)]: PluginManager: Loaded ComSkipLauncher version: author:and-81
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.828125 [TVService(5)]: PluginManager: Loaded ConflictsManager version: author:Broceliande
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.875000 [TVService(5)]: PluginManager: Loaded Power Scheduler version: author:micheloe
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.906250 [TVService(5)]: PluginManager: Loaded ServerBlaster version: author:joboehl with ralphy mods
    2010-10-04 10:51:18.953125 [TVService(5)]: PluginManager: Loaded TV Movie EPG import version: author:rtv
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.062500 [TVService(5)]: PluginManager: Loaded WebEPG version: author:Arion_p - James
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.109375 [TVService(5)]: PluginManager: Loaded XmlTv version: author:Frodo
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.109375 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugins loaded
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.109375 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugin: ComSkipLauncher disabled
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.109375 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugin: ConflictsManager disabled
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.125000 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugin: Power Scheduler disabled
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.125000 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugin: ServerBlaster disabled
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.125000 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugin: TV Movie EPG import disabled
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.125000 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugin: WebEPG disabled
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.125000 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugin: XmlTv disabled
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.125000 [TVService(5)]: TV Service: Plugins started
    2010-10-04 10:51:19.125000 [TVService(5)]: TV service: Started


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • August 31, 2010
    San Luis Obispo, CA
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    There is also a MPFileWriter.log. I attached it as it was a little too big to copy into this field. There are also .bak files that I'm not sure how to open. One is a tv.bak which I have also attached just in case. Please let me know if there are other things that we need to trouble shoot my set up.

    Thanks again



    • tv.bak
      690.5 KB


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • August 31, 2010
    San Luis Obispo, CA
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Just wanted to follow up in case others would find this helpful. So I finally got it to work. It seemed like the channels that had been mapped via my tuner card were not matching up with the schedule direct info. I confirmed that Schedule direct was sending me the correct info (go to their web site and there is some info on trouble shooting). I then un-installed everything and re-installed MP I decided to step back 1 version of the schedules direct EPG client and grabbed the 2nd most current one (SchedulesDirectPlugin-MP1.1.0Final-svn18.rar) and unzipped it. There are a lot of files that I didn't use, just copied the ScheduleirectPluginTVE3.dll and the TvdbLib.dll into the TV server plug-in folder. I remapped my tuner card and in the TV server configuration application under plugins branch SchedulesDirect EPG Client there is an advanced options tab. I checked the box next to "Allow EPG Channel Mapping by Channel Number Only". Since I don't have digital or satellite I unchecked the Automatically add new digital cable/satellite channels. I restarted to computer and 40 minutes later my guide was all filled in. I set the number of days of guide to keep to 13, and last minute guide changes to 72hr.

    So I hope this helps someone else in the future.

    Thanks to those who helped me out.


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