MP2 - V2.4.1 Nereus - View Mode Selection screen not working (1 Viewer)


New Member
October 23, 2022
Home Country
Slovakia Slovakia
MP2 Version
Nereus skin does not show new/reworked view mode selection screen, instead it falls back to old/default screen. As a result, user is unable to change several settings (such as view details).

Issue seems to be related to regional settings, decimal separator. Once changing the separator from comma to dot, new/reworked view mode selection screen shows up.

Currently using 2.4.1, but the issue probably applies to 2.4 as well.

[InputMgr ] [ERROR] - ScreenManager: Error loading screen 'DialogSwitchViewMode' in resource bundle 'Nereus', falling back to resource bundle 'Theme 'default' of skin 'default''
MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Exceptions.XamlLoadException: XAML loader: Error parsing file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Client\Plugins\Media\Skin\Nereus\screens\DialogSwitchViewMode.xaml' ---> MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Exceptions.XamlBindingException: Could not convert object '0.5' to type 'GridLength'
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.Convert(Object val, Type targetType)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.AssignValue(IDataDescriptor dd, Object value)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.HandleMemberAssignment(IDataDescriptor dd, Object value)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.HandleMemberOrEventAssignment(XmlNode memberDeclarationNode)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.Instantiate(XmlElement currentElement, Object& key)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.ParseValue(XmlNode node)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.HandleMemberOrEventAssignment(XmlNode memberDeclarationNode)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.Instantiate(XmlElement currentElement, Object& key)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.ParseValue(XmlNode node)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.Instantiate(XmlElement currentElement, Object& key)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.ParseValue(XmlNode node)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.HandleMemberOrEventAssignment(XmlNode memberDeclarationNode)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.Instantiate(XmlElement currentElement, Object& key)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.Xaml.Parser.Parse()
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.SkinManagement.XamlLoader.Load(TextReader reader, ISkinResourceBundle actualResourceBundle, IModelLoader loader)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.SkinManagement.XamlLoader.Load(String skinFilePath, ISkinResourceBundle actualResourceBundle, IModelLoader loader)
at MediaPortal.UI.SkinEngine.ScreenManagement.ScreenManager.LoadScreen(String screenName, String relativeScreenPath, IModelLoader loader)

Describe as detailed as possible the steps that are required to encounter the issue. This info is critical for the team to understand the problem.
Steps to Reproduce:

Change decimal separator in Regional settings to comma, try changing view mode in Movies/Series... - new/reworked view mode selection screen does not work.
Change decimal separator in Regional settings to dot, try changing view mode in Movies/Series... - new/reworked view mode selection screen works.



Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I'm using comma as decimal seperator and the screen works. To be sure I change the decimal seperator several times between comma and dot, without negative effect. In xaml the code langage is always with "dot", this is independent from the regional setting. We developers have different settings and so far not issue was regognized, really strange.

    I can just recommend to reinstall MP2 once with repair option. If the issue remains, change in DialogSwitchViewMode.xaml in following code line the value from 0.5 to 1 and save the file. you can do that with a text editor. If the file is write protected, copy it first to your desktop, edit it there and then move it back.


    New Member
    October 23, 2022
    Home Country
    Slovakia Slovakia
    Weird enough for I can reproduce it quite easily - see following capture on youtube:

    Machine in the video is a fully updated Windows 10 Pro x64 (English) clean installation running on Virtualbox. The video shows:
    • working screen with dot decimal symbol in regional settings
    • fallback to default screen with coma decimal symbol in regional settings
    • fixing the screen by editting the suggested XAML line from "0.5" to "0,5" so the decimal symbol matches regional settings (suprisingly)

    For the time being, thanks for pointing out the specific line in XAML - it fixed my real system as well (running Windows 11 Pro x64 Slovak).


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Good you solved it. It’s indeed really strange as xaml always uses „.“ as decimal separator. There are also several other code lines in same file and other files, where the dot seems to make no trouble. It’s unclear why only this line causes issues. I tried again as in your video and no issue here :confused:

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