new here, please help with rm200 remote (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 9, 2009
Hi, all. I'm new here, and I hope somebody can help me get my remote working with media portal. I have the Antec Multimedia Station Elite, which came with the rm200 remote control and Imedian software. The remote works perfectly in Imedian HD, but after deciding that I did not like the Imedian HD software (setting up the scan folders for media was ridiculous), I discovered media portal as an alternative. But I'd like to know how to configure the rm200 remote to work with media portal. As it is right now, everything is all configured, but I didn't know what to set for the remote, so when I use the remote, it acts like a mouse in media portal, but I want to be able to scroll through my lists and select my media without having to use the remote like a mouse. Is this remote compatible? I hope I can get this to work, because I really like the look and feel of this much better than Imedian. Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Paranoid Delusion

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    It may be designed to act as a HID device, so I would try that first and see what results you get.

    PS. Welcome to MediaPortal :)


    New Member
    March 9, 2009
    Okay, I just tried that, and I can seem to scroll through the menus okay, but I can't use other buttons, like pause, stop, skip, etc. Any ideas?


    New Member
    March 9, 2009
    No other ideas? I tried the remote as an MCE remote as well, with the same exact results I get when I try it as an HID device. The only thing that works is the thumb control that doubles as a mouse. If I leave mouse mode, I can move the control up and down, and I can hit "enter" to start playing a file. But that's it. No pause, stop, ff, etc. When I hit those keys, the screen readout on my case says "not defined command", which is what it says if you hit those buttons even when mediaportal is not running. I can't believe nobody else has tried to use this software with this remote. Maybe I'm out of luck with this?

    EDIT: Hmm, well, after playing around some more with the remote, it seems that I can sort of manage to use the remote. It's strange, some buttons work automatically (like app launcher, task switcher, the mousepad button and all the surrounding buttons, volume), but others don't (channel up/down, media keys like stop, pause, etc.). So I can use the remote with this, but it is very clunky when I want to do something as simple as pause or skip tracks, because I have to use the mouse button to get to the top of the screen, and then once it "locks" into the media control buttons on the screen, then I can scroll through them and activate them by hitting "enter" on the remote. But that's just so awkward to use it that way. If only I could figure out how to get the media buttons working, I'd be happy.

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