New Install Help - No TV Audio through HDI (1 Viewer)


New Member
October 8, 2012
Home Country
Canada Canada
I have installed MP v1.2.3 in Windows 7 Pro with Hauppauge Colossus (latest drivers). Component video cables from STB to Colossus video in and Digital Audio cable from STB to Colossus audio in.

I have connected the video cards HDMI to the TV's HDMI. I get normal Windows audio working on the TV and music through MP plays fine. I get no audio from the MP's TV function. I cannot find anywhere in MP where I can configure the audio import source. Not sure if that is the problem or not.

I am using SchedulesDirect for my EPG setup.

Can someone give me a push in the right direction as to where to configure the audio please. I have tried change the codecs to the different ones listed, but nothing has worked.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello and welcome Sean

    I guess you used the SD plugin to create your channels?

    In the SD plugin are two really important options which control the video and audio inputs associated with each channel.
    They're on the advanced options tab: the external video and audio input settings.
    You need to select the appropriate options for your setup.

    If you check the first post of "the" Colossus and HD-PVR support thread, down the bottom you'll see a list of the inputs and how they're named in MP:

    Based on that I think you'll want to choose "YRYBY #1" for video and "SPDIF In #2" for audio.

    Hope that helps!
    Last edited:


    New Member
    October 8, 2012
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Thanks, I'll check for those settings. It took a bit to get the SD plugin installed. I must of missed it.


    New Member
    October 8, 2012
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    Canada Canada
    I set the audio to the SDDif In #2 and nothing. I then connected the Red-White audio cables from the receiver to the Colossus and changed the audio to LineInput1 and I now get audio. Are there any disadvantages to using LineInput1?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I set the audio to the SDDif In #2 and nothing.
    You have to re-import the channels in order for the change to take effect. Did you do that?

    I then connected the Red-White audio cables from the receiver to the Colossus and changed the audio to LineInput1 and I now get audio. Are there any disadvantages to using LineInput1?
    It is lower quality (analog vs. digital), and it is stereo - two channels as opposed to six - but I'm not sure if that matters to you.

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