New Music Engine (4 Viewers)

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  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Austria Austria
    Why does MP not play the formats that BASS was originally designed to play in their engine as XMPlay does? The formats I'm trying to play are specifically tracker formats (.mod, .s3m, .xm, .it, etc.) I made sure to add the extensions to the supported formats list and enabled the BASS engine.

    Grab the latest SVN. It has support for the MOD files.
    Please note, you have a delay of some seconds when starting the first file to play, but after that it works perfect.

    I didn't work with MOD files before, but i noticed that they lack of tagging capabilities. In most of the files you just can specify a Title/Name, but there are no fields for Artist/Album/Genre etc., so i think it is not worth writing a Tagreader plugin for them.
    Correct me if i'm wrong.

    Because of the lack of tagging, they will not appear in the Database Views, since they are ignored by the Tagreader, so use the Share View please.

    Why doesn't "play cd" function in "Music" section not work with multimedia cds (cds that have more than one audio format on them).. is it just designed for audio cds? It should be labeled as so if this is the case. I've used past releases of MP so I am familiar with the UI, I guess to be fair I might not have used this function before until now. I wish MP would do a quick lookup and pop those files it finds in the current playlist and start to play them.

    "Play CD" is there for Audio CDs only.

    i asume with "multimedia cds" aou mean cds containing various files, like mp3, etc, or your MOD files in a directory structure.
    For this use the Share view as well.
    You will see all your optical drives in the Share view, when you press the ".." to move up.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    Order of tracks with multiple CDs


    First of all, thanks to the developers for all their hard work.

    There is one minor problem with the new music engine. All of my music is in mp3, and for a double album I have the disk x of y tags correctly set. The album title is the same for disk 1, disk 2, etc.

    So, when I play an album which has more than one disk, MP will play track 1 of disk 1, followed by track 1 of disk 2, etc. rather than playing disk 1 all the way through followed by disk 2.

    I know that I could fix this with tagging the files differently, but would it be possible for MP to read the disk x of y tag? Should it already do this, and is it a bug?

    Thanks again.



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria

    currently the "Disk x of y" tag is not used.
    While the new Tagreader, that was introduced a while ago, is supporting it, we don't store it in the database. Yet. :)
    one of the things i want to do in the future is using a new DB Format, which would mean also the movement to a new db engine, like TV Server does with SQL Server.

    Then we will support those fields.
    Don't ask me when it'll be done. i'm currently overloaded too much with daily work, but i would think sometimes in the first quarter of 2007.




    Retired Team Member
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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    currently the "Disk x of y" tag is not used.
    While the new Tagreader, that was introduced a while ago, is supporting it, we don't store it in the database. Yet. :)
    one of the things i want to do in the future is using a new DB Format, which would mean also the movement to a new db engine, like TV Server does with SQL Server.

    Then we will support those fields.
    Don't ask me when it'll be done. i'm currently overloaded too much with daily work, but i would think sometimes in the first quarter of 2007.



    That's great to hear. Thanks for all your hard work.



    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2006
    Högsäter, Sweden
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    Visualization problem

    My bass player wont use G-force visualization anymore (after new install)..

    Only get error when trying to enable it in Config says:

    Unable to load the following visualization:
    Preset Count: 0


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Please have a look here.

    Soundspectrum released a new version of G-Force, which needs also a new SDK.
    I've changed already the SDK to the new version.
    Unfortunately this SDK is NOT compatible with the old versions of G-Force.
    You need to update your G-Force installation


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 7, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Music is stoping for no reason often (after playeing 20 to 30 songs). is this a known bug? Or should I start a topic for it?

    I've seen that once - back then it was caused by the external render thread. If you're able to reproduce that error please turn the general option off and report back if that solved your issue.


    Portal Member
    October 19, 2004
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    France France
    Hi everyone,
    I'd like to try the new music engine, but can someone answer that question? (sorry if the answer has been given, but i did'nt find it).
    I currently use a VST plugin with WMP. I saw a VST extension on the Un4seen website. Does the new engine accept this kind of add-on?
    Thanks in advance.
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