Blue Vision (5 Viewers)


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  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    "New" icons (star shape) for mediaitems added recently
    Question here: What shall be the criteria? 1) E.g. last 20 additions 2) all items added within last 2 weeks; both criterias have pros and contras
    @morpheus, is there already a "added date" tag or something that could be used in xaml to bind the icon to mediaitems?

    I checked the code for "LatestMedia" and understood, that the last 5 items, that were added are shown according to the attribute ATTR_LAST_IMPORT_DATE from ImportAspect. Took some time to find this, because I thought the ImportAspect would be in the same folder with the other Aspects :)

    The Latest Media are shown by following:
        <ControlTemplate x:Key="Client_Template">
          <Grid DataContext="{Binding Source={Model 11193401-D85D-4D50-9825-E9EB34D87062}}">
            <ListView x:Name="MasterList" ItemsSource="{Binding AllItems}" Style="{ThemeResource NestedMediaListViewStyle}"/>

    1) Is there a chance to replace"AllItems" with "Movies" or "Series" only for example? This could be helpful when creating the home screen.
    2) And I have to ask my second question again ;) Can I based on LatestMediaModel.cs place a boolean check in xaml, if an item belongs to latest media list and flag it? If not like this, is there another possibility or does it require new code to access this in xaml?


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    What makes me wonder: I guess WebRadio doesn't have and skin files defined for both ApolloOne and BluVision skin. This means all resources are looked up from the "Default" skin.
    Does WebRadio work correctly if you switch back to "Default" for testing?
    Yes, it works correctly with Default skin for me. I feel somehow, everything reacts even faster as with Titanium ... just a feeling though.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Yes, it works correctly with Default skin for me. I feel somehow, everything reacts even faster as with Titanium ... just a feeling though.
    Yes probably, one purpose of the Default skin is to provide a fast skin without fancy stuff. It uses a 720p resolution and less complex layout then other skins.


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  • December 14, 2014
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    Adjustments on Main Menu @osre I could not achieve this by xaml :( Could you already have a look into the MainMenuModel, if it could be possible?
    Active symbol also highlighted, when leaving the Main Group Menu
    Using keyboard or remote control will bring user always to active item when reentering Main Group Menu
    Language specific adjustments (In series view airing date format is not changing with system setting)
    Hi @osre, did you find time to have a look on this? Or better question, is clear what I wanted to say? ;)

    I'll look into it.
    I guess it's most likely to happen when menus are changed too quickly.
    That the GUI is not responding after that might be an "issue" in the AsyncMessageHandler. Didn't looked at it so far, but I guess it has a "infinte" Loop to process the Messages, and the exception is cought outside the Loop. By this, all exception which are not cought in "user code" will break the message handling.
    @morpheus_xx Can you confirm this? Would it make sens to catch exceptions inside the loop? (assuming my guess is correct)
    This problem is solved. Morpheus made a small adjustment in code :)
    To be honest I've been a bit lacy and busy lately (sick Kids, buying new car, some trouble at day time job, someone rear ended my wife (car, not her), ...)
    But I have already scheduled some hours to MP2 this weekend :)


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    To be honest I've been a bit lacy and busy lately (sick Kids, buying new car, some trouble at day time job, someone rear ended my wife (car, not her), ...)
    But I have already scheduled some hours to MP2 this weekend
    Oh, a long list of issues in your other life :D I understand that and soon I'll come into this situation as well :( I'm abroad as expat, means the time to move to my next country will come soon. Though the company organizes everything, I'll also have to sell the cars, cancel the contracts for gas, water, electricity, phone, internet, deregistration ... and in the new location the same in reverse direction ... I better stop to think about it :sick:


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Just found an issue that probably is related to BlueVision. In internal thread there is a new testing version for NetworkNNRA. In this you need to re- enter the network credentials as finally the password is stored in an encrypted form. You need to check a mark there before you can enter the data. This mark I could not set in BlueVision. Need to change back to Default skin to set it. After I first set it in Default, it is working in Blue Vision too but I don't know why it hasn't worked the first time... :confused:
    Clipboard 1.jpg

    As this is a "requester" window and it is different to Default skin this probably is related to some xaml used for this...

    No big deal as normally you only need to enter this once. But if a new user faces this issue it will be hard for him to solve...


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    The focus backgrounds for media listviews are now independent from the blue setting. I applied a gradient fill from white to black and a Storyboard on focus, that changes the opacity from 0 to 0.12.
    Since by standard all items used the same botton and storyboard style, I had to seperate it. Without doing that the white frame of focused items was also affected by the reduced opacity.

    For your grey theme everything should work now (at least in the media section, main menu I will check).

    Result is like following, I think looks not worse than before:


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    As this is a "requester" window and it is different to Default skin this probably is related to some xaml used for this...
    I'll check this. I have an idea already what it chould be related to. I think the margin of a buttonstyle is wrong and prevents showing infos in case the width of the button is close to the wrong margin setting.


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    Commit changes to your branch (like BlueVision_v2), enter our IRC channel an type:
    I have used the search function and looked around, but it didn't help. Where is a link to WebIRC? Or is it something to be downloaded? Might be a silly question, but never used it and I have no clue.

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