New Skin - No Name !!! UPDATE: 13.2.2010 (2 Viewers)


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  • August 14, 2007
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    Re: New Skin - No Name

    It's a nice looking shot, but I'd recommend spending more time on the actual skin design and graphics, and less time on the fanart aspects. I don't know what is behind this lust for fanart-heavy designs this past year but I think Maya has it right - use it sparingly.

    Right now you have a good "Lost" themed skin. It looks good because you did a nice job fading in a particular image from Lost, one that works with the design you are going for. However, that's just one image. Other images may not come out looking so good, putting you in the position of either sticking to one image - in which case the skin becomes a theme for a particular bit of media - or rotating images, and accepting that some of them will look better than others.

    I know lots of people love the "Aeon" look with horizontal menus and fanart backgrounds but honestly, it's been done before. That said, those efforts are scattered among different skins, and some of them are better than others (even though they all pretty much have the same goal in mind). Maybe you should consider just doing a custom basichome for other skins, and doing a basichome editor with it? Black Glass is a good example - several attempts to go for the Aeon look there. Same with StreamedMP. Instead of doing a whole new skin, how about a mod that can modify the home screen for a variety of existing ones? That would be something new.


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Re: New Skin - No Name

    I really like the active frame you are using, there are some ugly ugly frames floating about a lot of the skins, but yours is one of the nicer ones!

    I think the fanart fade in the background looks really good too, I like that you went with a black and white image, sure it will take a long time to do about 20 or so different pics for each menu but it will look very good when you have finished. The only problem with going for specific fanart to a specific title is that it gets old rather quickly and peoples views are subjective. But if you released the templates for making your fanart backgrounds then users can adjust to their own image if they don't like the movie/tv show you have chosen. The other option is to use an overlay fade of a non specific item into the corner, eg a lounge with a tv, a movie cinema etc.. Also having a static non themed image as a background (as an option) will not hurt the skin either.


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  • August 25, 2006
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    Re: AW: New Skin - No Name !!! UPDATE: 13.2.2010

    Update first Post.


    Wow, those angled graphics in the TV-guide to the left are very cool. You have talent for coming up with stuff I've never seen before in any skins.



    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    i love the new skin.

    i love the miniguide. have you thought about not having the mini guide touch the left screen edge? example below.



    Portal Pro
    October 15, 2007
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    AW: New Skin - No Name !!! UPDATE: 13.2.2010

    i like this angled tvguide, too, very good idea. have a nice animation where the guide folds out in mind, but don't know if this can be done...


    Looks good! Nice epg and mini guide but Please keep 10 ft usability in mind. Too small fonts are killing! In Maya we have the same problem in some sections. Working on it now.

    Keep it up and stay focussed

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