Newbie Needing Help with Installation (2 Viewers)


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Assuming you have basic MovingPictures working (and basic may be all you ever need)...

    you have your shares defined and movies imported, now on to categories.

    This is where it gets clever.


    Below you can see my layout - Creating a new 'node' as a empty item, at top level - this will be 'example' shown below.


    And now, add filter - you have a large range of option - I tend to use 'Full Path" and logic is 'Contains".


    You can include movies that don't fit logic pattern, exclude those that do but you don't want in that specific category.

    Sky is limit here in deciding on your organisation of movies - I NEVER use genre, way too self opinionated to assume just becuase someone else thinks it's a Comedy it really is funny for example:cool:

    I don't use Trkt or Followit sections, not a the social type, but MovingPictures (with MPTVSeries) MAKES MePo for me.

    Enjoy - JCMP.
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