Newbie needs Help (South Africa)STB and EPG Setup (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 26, 2009
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
Hi All,

Been reading up A LOT here for the last few days and i must say after using MCE for the last year I am loving the extra features offered with MP.

I have done a installation of Ver 1 of MP with TV Server.
(OS is Vista 32bit)
I Have a MS MCE Remote and Keyboard with the blaster.

Everything is working except for my EPG TV Channels Setup and getting MP to change channels on my DSTV STB

My STB is connected via the RCA inputs on my Leadtek PxPVR2200 and I can setup My TV in MP to show the current channel but thats as far as I get.

I Have read a lot of threads and have tried all the suggested solutions but I cant get it working.
I have used MCE Replacement, Server Blaster Plugin and IR Server Suite but cannot get either to work, I Think I'm missing some crucial setup or config here.

EPG is also a problem
I Have installed XMLTV Download and set it up as instructed It runs but does not find any data for the channels I have selected. I Tried the XmlTv Plugin in TV Server but Also cannot get it done :(

IF any one can assist I would be most appreciative.

IS there a way of copying a South African users working setup and pasting it on my system?

Thanks in advance



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  • November 1, 2006
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    So many questions, where to start :D

    I've been planning on creating a setup-document (which will also be relevant to South Africa), but have not had the time to do so until contract ended and I have a month before the next one starts.. So if you are willing to wait until Monday I should have a draft available for upload....


    Portal Member
    January 26, 2009
    Home Country
    South Africa South Africa
    So many questions, where to start :D

    I've been planning on creating a setup-document (which will also be relevant to South Africa), but have not had the time to do so until contract ended and I have a month before the next one starts.. So if you are willing to wait until Monday I should have a draft available for upload....

    Thanks a lot Geov that will be awesome!



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2006
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    Hi Jules

    In the mean time, you can also read the SA Wiki for XMLTV suggestions and some limited info on controlling STB.

    Did you see post #17 & 18 of this thread? I am not sure if that export helped boozelclark, but maybe you can try it or ask him in that thread if it worked.

    Geov - that will be great. Maybe you can directly publish it on the SA Wiki?


    Portal Member
    January 26, 2009
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    South Africa South Africa
    Thanks Rekenaar I imported the channels and made the changes needed, I Still cant get the MCE Remote to change channels on my STB.
    Im Using MCE Replacement 1.4.2 and it seems to be setup right but does not change channels.
    The MCE Replacement Plugin shows up under MP Config and not in MP TV Server Config like I thought it should. is that the problem?

    Once I get the STB to work I will start getting the EPG sorted.

    Thanks for the help so far guys!



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2006
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    I think you should uninstall mce replacement ant then install IRSS I recall one of the threads mentioning that mcereplacement is obsolete now.
    You should then have the tv3blaster plugin in tvserver-config as well as mpcontrol plugin for irserver in MP config.


    Portal Member
    January 26, 2009
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    South Africa South Africa
    Thanks I did as you instructed and I can now change channels on my DSTV STB! All I had to do was change all my channels to Cable instead of Antenna.

    Final Problem. EPG
    I am using XMLTV Download and have it set to the DSTV setting under service.
    I Download the channel list but when I run the Download app it gives me "no data available" for each channel.

    Any Ideas?

    Thanks again for all the help so far



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2006
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    My current xmltv setup:
    Download latest full xmltv file
    Use xmltv plugin in tvserver
    extract downloaded file
    rename to tvguide.xml
    put in xmltv-plugin directory
    map channels
    import guide

    Want to automate downloading later? Look here


    Portal Member
    January 26, 2009
    Home Country
    South Africa South Africa
    Thanks Rekenaar.
    Some Questions as im not getting anything to import

    put in xmltv-plugin directory < What Folder would that be? I Put the folder in the XMLTV Plugin and dumped the xml file there " C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\tvguide.xml"

    map channels < How is this done? Do I need to edit the .dtd file for this? do you have a dstv dtd file?
    import guide < So Far when I hit Import I get :No xmltv file found;

    Thanks again


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