No Signal beim Scan (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 2, 2010
ok, nun soll mir bitte jemand folgendes erklären (alles in DVB Dream getestet):

- TBS6981 Tuner A: Nur Astra funktioniert, Hotbird tunen nicht möglich
- TBS6981 Tuner B: Nur Astra funktioniert, Hotbird tunen nicht möglich
- SkyStar HD2: Nur Hotbird funktioniert, Astra tunen nicht möglich

Wie gibts das bitte!?? Bin nun total verwirrt. Gleicher Anschluss nochmals mit einer Dreambox getestet, funktioniert sowohl Astra und Hotbird!
Bin für jeden Tipp dankbar! Weil nach 3 Wochen testen, wirds langsam unheimlich...


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  • November 20, 2006
    Hasloh (near Hamburg)
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    AW: No Signal beim Scan

    hmmmmmm :(

    das ist in der tat mehr als seltsam ...
    und ich geb zu - ich hab grad keine idee was da schiefläuft.
    lediglich eine richtung:

    daher es so stark karten/hersteller abhängig ist -
    würd ich im bereich treiber weiter testen (sofern du noch lust aufs testen hast ;) )
    also ruhig auch mal "ältere" teiber ausprobieren sofern verfügbar.




    Portal Member
    March 2, 2010
    danke für deinen input polarie!

    die nächsten tage bekomme ich noch meine neue skystar hd2 karte, nachdem ich die andere als defekt reklamiert habe. mal sehen ob das was ändert. die treiber werde ich dann auch nochmals durchtesten.

    kann mir noch nicht erklären, wieso ich pro karte unterschiedliche diseqc ansteuerungen habe. noch dazu ist es interessant, dass es auf einmal von einer minute auf die andere aufgetreten ist, ohne dass ich irgendetwas installiert/geändert habe.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello folks

    I know this is a German part of the forum but perhaps somebody could translate for me. :)
    MP does not currently support simple A/B switching for TBS/Prof tuners. If your switch is a 2 port switch which operates with tone burst commands then it will not work correctly. I have been doing some work -->here<-- to add support for this, however people have reported problems using that patch with TBS6981 tuners. I am working to fix that and I hope to post a new patch in the next few days.

    TechniSat/Twinhan/TerraTec tuners are the same - no support for tone burst in MP. Again, I have been working on this and you can try the patch -->here<--.



    Portal Member
    March 2, 2010
    hi mm,

    thanks for your help, just a short translation regarding the problem I have:

    my configuration:
    I'm living in an apartment building where we have a joint sat connection for Astra and Hotbird. When using it from my dreambox, I configure it with DiseqC with A: Astra and B: Hotbird.

    On my dreambox I can tune to Astra and Hotbird channels without any problem, but on my HTPC it stopped working at some time. Previously I had only a skystar hd2, which was working fine till one evening where I lost signal (others in the house didn't) and the card stopped tuning completely. After that, I bought a new card TBS6981, because I thought the card died. Unfortunately, also the new card didn't work. So I started some tests with DVB Dream with following results:

    - TBS6981 Tuner A: only Astra working
    - TBS6981 Tuner B: only Astra working
    - SkyStar HD2: only Hotbird working

    I reconnected for this test the same cable to each of the tested ports. I'll also try your patches and see if it brings improvements with MP, but I think, that DVB Dream should already be able to handle the cards properly. What do you think?

    Many thanks,


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi again

    ...but I think, that DVB Dream should already be able to handle the cards properly
    This is true... except TBS have released a new SDK within the last week which completely changes the way that DiSEqC is done with their tuners. If you use the newest driver then I can't be sure whether DiSEqC will work at all in MP or DVB Dream. Maybe try using a slightly older driver (maybe this one - for a little while and see if that helps for the TBS card. I recommend that you try the older driver before you try my patch.

    As for the TechniSat - I can't explain that. If it was working with MP and then suddenly stopped... that is strange. Is it possible that the apartment switch was changed?



    Portal Member
    March 2, 2010
    Hi mm,

    ok, thx for the hint regarding the TBS drivers. I'll try them today and check with DVB Dream and MP. I really hope that's the problem, otherwise I don't know where to search.

    I don't think that the problem is in the apartment switch, as others told me that both Astra and Hotbird are working fine for them. Moreover, also my old dreambox is working on my current sat connector.

    I'll let you know if the older TBS drivers fix the problem after testing today in the evening. Thx in advance!



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  • November 20, 2006
    Hasloh (near Hamburg)
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    AW: No Signal beim Scan

    würde ja in die selbe richtung gehen - erstmal die älterern treiber zu testen
    aber seltsam wenns dann auf einmal wieder geht -
    wenn vorher keine änderung vorgenommen wurde. S:

    what i wrote above - test an older driver version.
    but strange if that wuld work again -
    couse lwenco wrote that he didn't change anything in his system-


    Portal Member
    March 2, 2010
    I installed drivers for the TBS6981, but unfortunately same problem...only Astra can be tuned with MP. I also removed my skystar HD2 from the HTPC, to see if there is some interference from that card, but still no change.

    So, just to summarize again:
    - TBS6981 with driver
    - MP1.2.2: only Astra with DiseqC set to None working, setting DiseqC to Simple A requires a reboot for the card to work properly with setting None again. Using Simple A for scanning results in No Signal.
    - DVB Dream: only Astra, regardless which DiseqC configuration
    - Dreambox: Astra & Hotbird working

    Is there any other log file or program which I can use to see what's wrong?

    Next test will be with my new skystar hd2 card (not here yet)...let's see what that brings up :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 20, 2006
    Hasloh (near Hamburg)
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    AW: No Signal beim Scan

    ist das der neueste treiber oder ein älterer?

    die seite von TBS ist relativ unübersichtlich (auf den ersten blick)

    was SDK angeht haben die am 23.12.2011 noch mal ein update
    auf gemacht das für alle dvbs2 karten gültig sein soll
    wie ihr da schon bei angekommen seid muß ich grade erstmal nachvollziehen :D


    SOOOooo gefunden ... ist wohl z.Z. der neueste treiber für die 6981er

    ist der von dir verwendete der älteste den du gefunden hast?

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