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Hi PD thanks for the reply. Sorry I may have confused you with all my previous posts. I have now tried 2 different cards with the following results:-

1. Nova TD-500 Model 289 - No card detected by MP.  Works fine with WinTv. Works OK with Vista and Windows Media Center but my PC isn't really powerful enough and I hate the 'epg via internet' thing. I have double-checked the antenna is plugged into the correct socket.

2. Older Nova-T-500 99101 LF Rev D8B5 - Detected fine by MP. Scans fine. Troublesome when selecting channel Five and BBC2. 

I am trying to get one of the cards working 100% but as you can see, no luck so far. I was hoping the newer card might be more sensitive and might not have the same probs with C5/BBC2 but it won't work at all in MP.

Any advice? I would prefer to get the newer card working if at all possible.

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