Don't bother with the reinstall - it won't help. The issue is with the EPG grabber (TsWriter lockup). Please disable CRC checking and see if the problem goes away.
You were correct about the reinstall and thanks for the spotting of the TSWriter lockup
Unfortunately the problem is still there when disabling CRC checking
I've adjusted the EPG grabbing to point to the following channels: TV
BBC Parl'mnt
and the missing EPG channel (had to add manually) Radio
EPG Background Audio
Freesat Info
Going to run it for a while and see if it locks up and how much EPG I get...
##EDIT 2##
Still failing - Trying to disable the EPG channels individually and see which one is the culprit (suspect the manual addition)
##EDIT 3##
Seems to be better - just some channels coming up as 'unavailable'
removed all channels and rescanned.
Testing again...
Now it seems to be working again - I've completed a full channel scan, amended the EPG grabber to only grab the above channels (added back one by one and excluding the manual added one)
Not sure how much EPG I have but time will tell - at least I know the problem now
Right - it looks like there is an error with grabbing some channels over the DVB-S
Not sure which, but I've switched to a combination of mc2xml and the webepg.
Pinned it down a little more - it seems that it is the Radio EPG grabber on the DVB-S - If I point it to the EPG Background Audio and Freesat Info channels we get a lock up.
Can someone confirm please?