when a scheduled recording ran on BBC3 last night, it recorded the audio and video perfectly. After the recording I again tried to view the channel but to no avail.
Any ideas?
P.S. Specs are on the left.
P.P.S. Both channels have been working previously.
EDIT: I have run ScanChannelsBDA and it shows the following on the 530000 frequency:
Card 1; Signal Locked = N; Present = N; Strength = -41000; Quality = 0
Card 2; Signal Locked = Y; Present = Y; Strength = 1000; Quality = 100
Any ideas?
P.S. Specs are on the left.
P.P.S. Both channels have been working previously.
EDIT: I have run ScanChannelsBDA and it shows the following on the 530000 frequency:
Card 1; Signal Locked = N; Present = N; Strength = -41000; Quality = 0
Card 2; Signal Locked = Y; Present = Y; Strength = 1000; Quality = 100