No Video (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 19, 2008
Hi There,

I have been a Media Portal user for some time.

I have just purchased a new PC and have done a fresh install of Media Portal.

When I play a video file of any format *.avi *.mp2 *.mpeg *.vob the internal player does not play it.
When I nominate an external player all my video play within Media Portal.

I have attcahed the error log below. Has anyone had a similar issue?

Thanks in advance,

2009-01-25 13:35:34.046875 [ERROR][MPMain]: VideoPlayer9:exception while creating DShow graph Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {51B4ABF3-748F-4E3B-A276-C828330E926A} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80040273. at MediaPortal.Player.VMR9Util.AddVMR9(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder)
at MediaPortal.Player.VideoPlayerVMR9.GetInterfaces()
2009-01-25 13:35:34.109375 [ERROR][MPMain]: PlaylistPlayer: *** unable to play - C:\Video\05.mp2 - skipping track!
2009-01-25 13:35:37.703125 [ERROR][MPMain]: VideoPlayer9:exception while creating DShow graph Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {51B4ABF3-748F-4E3B-A276-C828330E926A} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80040273. at MediaPortal.Player.VMR9Util.AddVMR9(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder)
at MediaPortal.Player.VideoPlayerVMR9.GetInterfaces()
2009-01-25 13:35:37.750000 [ERROR][MPMain]: PlaylistPlayer: *** unable to play - C:\Video\VTS_02_1.mpeg - skipping track!


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  • December 17, 2006
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    Hi there and welcome :)

    A few suggestions to try:
    Use Filmerit to see if there are codec problems on your PC.
    Try SAF - it claims to "be able to play almost all standart videofiles+DVD's."

    Please report back with your progress.


    Portal Member
    October 19, 2008
    Thanks rekenaar - Ufortunatly this didn't turn anything up. I have also anstalled SAF without anyluck.
    Would you have any other ideas?


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2006
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    South Africa South Africa
    Next option is to attach full logs and update your system details (see my signiture) and wait for someone to assist.


    Portal Member
    October 19, 2008
    Hey Rekenaar,

    Turns out I was using the onboard video card. I installed a good quality video card and away she went.
    Now plays everything


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