NRK Browser (5 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 22, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
Did some quick changes myself (the plugin name). Did also put together a "logo" for it (which at least look goods on my TV) if you're interested.

Hi Petter,

Your logo looks great, we should definately get that into the plugin. :D

I uploaded all the source code to SVN, so anyone can modify it to their liking. One of the reasons why I chose to release the source is that I don't have that much spare time to work on it (especially now with GTA4 out :D ), and I don't want it to die if there is still an interest in it. Another point is that I am not very good at GUI design, and especially not MediaPortal-specifics, but there are lots of great GUI people here in the community that could improve it vastly :)

The only thing I ask is that you keep my name in the sources (and preferably the author field ;) ).

If enough useful features are added, feel free to create a new binary and upload it to the plugins page, or let me know and I'll build the newest svn version and update my plugins entry.



Portal Member
December 18, 2005
Home Country
Norway Norway

Har ikke gjort noen særlige endringer til selve kildekoden bortsett fra å endre pluginens navn og endret hvilke bilde den viser. Et tips vil være å legge dette til skin-fila:

<description>an Image</description>

Dette vil gjøre at "plug-in"-bildet (om man kan kalle det det) også vises, i litt større versjon, når du åpner selve pluginen. Ser at andre plugins også gjør dette.

Jeg tipset om å lage en boks som kan inneholde programbeskrivelsen når man "markerer" et program (slik at man slipper å vente på at beskrivelsen scroller). Annet tips er å laste ned bildene NRK har på sine sider som representerer hvert program (og selvsagt cache dem i ei mappe). Dette ville muligens gjort interfacen litt mer livlig. Å få til dette er nok ikke noe jeg klarer :)

Edit: ser jeg posta på norsk, men det gjør vel ikke altfor mye kanskje.


Portal Member
March 22, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
I had some spare time today, so I added some live streams to the plugin. I also added the option of using the g_player so you can get OSD during playback. Oh, and PetterHJ's new logo is in there :)

If you want to try out the new functionality, please download the attached file. Note that your settings will most likely be reset, as I have started storing the config file in a different path from this version.



Portal Member
March 22, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
I almost forgot, please tell me if the new functionality actually works :D


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
Houston, TX
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
The option to use the player with OSD doesn't work well for me. When I have that checked, the video starts playing in a small window in the bottom left corner of the screen. I want the video in full-screen, but I am unable to navigate to this window with the remote control. Using the mouse works fine, I can click on the video window and it goes full screen, but that is a pain... Using the standard non-OSD player works fine, video goes directly to full screen.


Portal Member
December 18, 2005
Home Country
Norway Norway

Thanks for the update!

I'm having the same problems as samundsen when having the OSD enabled.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
Houston, TX
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Also, it seems like the Live feeds are using the OSD player irregardless of what's been selected in config. When I have the OSD player unchecked, the regular streams starts up fine, but the Live feeds just play in the small window no matter what, and I have to use the mouse again to go full screen.


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  • April 11, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    Also, it seems like the Live feeds are using the OSD player irregardless of what's been selected in config. When I have the OSD player unchecked, the regular streams starts up fine, but the Live feeds just play in the small window no matter what, and I have to use the mouse again to go full screen.

    Wich remote are you using? For me (MCE remote) I just use the red button on the bottom left of the remote and the stream goes fullscreen.

    Do I have to download something to get OSD? With OSD checked in config, neither live streams or the other streams start. Nothing happens when I push OK, no statusring... nothing. With OSD unchecked everything works fine!

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