Odd TVGuide timeshift error (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 31, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Hi. First of all: Thank god for people like you guys, giving us the worlds foremost mediacenter solution - for free! I've tried Snapstream and MCE, none are even close in regards to usability and extendability.

...but i do have a little problem. When i reinstalled my PC with a (clean) version, and made the TV-server pick up my XMLTV tvguide listing, i noted something odd in MP -> MyTV -> TVGuide. Looking at the screen, i see that the time is correct (lower right clock), but the time-indicator arrow (the one that shows you where you are in the guide right now) is off by -15 minutes. This means that it often overlaps (highlights) the wrong programs.

..Even odder, if i choose to record programs later on, it WILL record the correct programs - without a timeshift error?

In my opinion, this means that the XMLTV guide is correct, and the error is a 'cosmetic' bug in the TVGuide window??

TV-Server Version:
MediaPortal Version:
MediaPortal Skin: Indigo
Windows Version: XP Sp2
CPU Type: Intel 2.1ghz
HDD: 1x 320gb, 2x1TB
Memory: 1,5gb.
1. TV Card: Happauge WinTV 500, DualTuner


Portal Pro
May 7, 2006
Home Country
England England
If you ook at the program detail is this correct?

It might be also useful to see a screenshot. I cannot visualise what you mean.


Portal Pro
September 26, 2008
it has to do with a program block which starts for example at 10.00 hrs, if you stand on it it shows the right time but if you llok at the top row where the arrow for current time and the time headers are displayed it is positioned to start at 19.30.
I think it is a skin problem .
when i switch from monochrome to blue3wide and then it looks ok

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