On Play Video Randomly Goes Black, MP Loses Focus, Screen Resolution Changes (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 6, 2012
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Okay, so I have been having an ongoing issue since I first installed MP 1 a few months ago and it has finally annoyed me enough to post about.

This happens about 60% of the time and the other 40% the videos play with no issue. When I play video files, and it doesnt matter what type of video files (tried several), and it doesnt matter in what Plugin (tried several) the screen will go black for a few seconds and one of a few things happen. The screen stays black and sound of video plays but picture and I cant use the escape button to exit the video and view MP again. Or MP will crash and show my desktop minus my task bar and I have to restart to fix it. Or the video will flicker for a second, return to the main screen of MP and be in a much lower resolution where I cant see all of the screen. All of these items require me to restart my HTPC to fix.

I tried upgrading to 1.3 Beta last night to see if it would fix it and it actually made the problem worse. It does not appear to be a codec issue as I dont have this problem with any other player. I am currently using SAF Codec with an Intel HD4500 graphics card connected via HDMI to a TV. I have made sure that I have the newest drivers for everything as well.

If anyone can offer some advice I would really appreciate it as this problem is driving me crazy. Thanks.



Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Without logs, very difficult, but few things to consider:

    1) Content - what't the access path, local or networked - if networked, could it be your loosing the link;

    2) Windows Screen saver - could it be cutting in;

    3) Do you have other scheduled tasks which may be interfering with service;

    4) Random 'interference' on your remote (dodgy handset, other controller in operation) or network (mircowave, washing machine, etc).

    Having seen all of the above causing issues (not in MePo other than screen saver:) over the years, worth eliminating.

    Cheers - J.


    Portal Member
    October 6, 2012
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Sorry, I completely forgot about log files. I have attached a few from last night where I was having issues. Does this shed any light? Thanks.


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