OnlineVideos 0.33 (19.09.2011) (1 Viewer)

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  • June 21, 2010
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    +1 to the one who added "new videos"

    love it!

    I'm not sure what you are talking about? Have I missed a new site??

    @offbyone I've found using numbers in my case 0000 for site pin. The V keyboard won't work not sure if this is an online-videos bug or the V keyboard itself.

    let me know if you can reproduce the problem.


    MP Donator
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  • June 3, 2011
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    +1 to the one who added "new videos"

    love it!

    I'm not sure what you are talking about? Have I missed a new site??

    When you go to Onlinevideos --> Youtube --> Your subscriptions, there is a "New videos"-folder that contains, well, new videos that you have in your subscription box that you haven't wathced yet. :cool:


    Development Group
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  • April 26, 2008
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    @offbyone I've found using numbers in my case 0000 for site pin. The V keyboard won't work not sure if this is an online-videos bug or the V keyboard itself.

    let me know if you can reproduce the problem.

    I'm guessing you are using MP 1.2 beta. The VK changed a bit, you can now chose the SMS or normal Keyboard mode via a button on the lower left. Try it out when searching to see what I mean :) It's the same everywhere in MP now :)


    MP Donator
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  • June 21, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    @offbyone I've found using numbers in my case 0000 for site pin. The V keyboard won't work not sure if this is an online-videos bug or the V keyboard itself.

    let me know if you can reproduce the problem.

    I'm guessing you are using MP 1.2 beta. The VK changed a bit, you can now chose the SMS or normal Keyboard mode via a button on the lower left. Try it out when searching to see what I mean :) It's the same everywhere in MP now :)

    I was using my keyboard to do a search in youtube and it worked fine (word search), But when entering it in the site pin (from keyboard) even tho I got the 0000 up and pressed enter nothing changed. Is the pin VK set to sms by default? Shouldn't it still work after finally entering the 0000 digits? :D

    @offbyone I've found using numbers in my case 0000 for site pin. The V keyboard won't work not sure if this is an online-videos bug or the V keyboard itself.

    let me know if you can reproduce the problem.

    I'm guessing you are using MP 1.2 beta. The VK changed a bit, you can now chose the SMS or normal Keyboard mode via a button on the lower left. Try it out when searching to see what I mean :) It's the same everywhere in MP now :)

    I was using my keyboard to do a search in youtube and it worked fine (word search), But when entering it in the site pin (from keyboard) even tho I got the 0000 up and pressed enter nothing changed. Is the pin VK set to sms by default? Shouldn't it still work after finally entering the 0000 digits? :D

    ah ok it has to be in sms mode.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    I just tried with a pin of "0000" and could enable adult sites. But i was only able to do so by selecting the "0" on the vk pressing enter 4 times and then DONE. Trying to enter 4 times 0 failed :( Looks like a usability issue with the VK.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    *damn* how could I miss the release of a new version...
    Version 0.30.0
    YouTube: fixed localized content no available, added "New Videos" in User's Subscribtions
    :D :D :D


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 23, 2004
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    TY again..i got working
    i think i love u



    MP Donator
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  • June 21, 2010
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)


    Might have a bug, I can't minimize full screen TV in online videos, Could on previous versions. Haven't tried a video yet as family watching TV. But will as soon as I get the TV back. :rolleyes:

    Edit Nope its a skin related problem.


    Portal Pro
    May 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    Please help, files from site Global\EX.UA have ceased to open. At click on any file in subdirectories writes "Unable to play video. No URL!"


    Portal Member
    December 23, 2008
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.30 (02.06.2011)

    Please help, files from site Global\EX.UA have ceased to open. At click on any file in subdirectories writes "Unable to play video. No URL!"

    here is new parser for
    <Site name="" util="GenericSite" agecheck="false" enabled="true" lang="--" lastUpdated="2010-09-26T13:15:41.8200584+03:00">
      <Description>Completely Free File Hosting for files exchange with online watch service. 
    	These RegExps can parse links to video files prepared for online watch. 
    	Videos available in several languagues, but mostly in Russian and Ukrainian.
    	Site limitations: 
    	- no solid structure; no alphabetical sorting - use search and next/prev. links;  
    	- not all of the uploaded video currently available as FLV streams; 
    	- description, video format and quality are up to uploader only; 
    	- no child protection.
    	Plugin/regexps limitations: 
    	- cannot parse subcategories inside another subcategory; use search or make a copy with BaseUrl changed to one level down to get there, for example to Polish part of the site; 
    	- intentionally does not parse links to files not available as FLV streams to avoid MP freezes; but it's  easy to try that by changing the VideoList regexp to something like &lt;a\shref='/get/(?&lt;m0&gt;\d{1,9})'\stitle='(?&lt;n0&gt;[^']*)'
        <item key="dynamicCategoriesRegEx"><![CDATA[<a\shref='(?<url>/view/\d{1,8})(?:\?r=[^']+)?'><b>(?<title>[^<]*)</b></a>]]></item>
        <item key="dynamicCategoryUrlFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}?v=1%2C1]]></item>
        <item key="dynamicSubCategoriesRegEx"><![CDATA[<a\shref='(?<url>/view/\d{1,8})(?:\?r=[^']+)?'><b>(?<title>[^<]*)</b></a>]]></item>
        <item key="dynamicSubCategoryUrlFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}?per=100&v=1%2C0]]></item>
        <item key="videoListRegEx"><![CDATA[<img\ssrc='(?<ImageUrl>(?!/t2/|/i/)[^']+)'.*?<a\shref='(?<VideoUrl>/view/\d{1,8})(?:\?r=[^']+)?'><b>(?<Title>[^<]*)</b></a>.*?<\/small><p>(?<Description>.*?)(?:<p>&nbsp;<\/td>|<p><a\shref=)]]></item>
        <item key="videoListRegExFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}]]></item>
        <item key="nextPageRegEx"><![CDATA[id="browse_next"\shref="(?<url>[^"]*)"]]></item>
        <item key="nextPageRegExUrlFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}&per=100&v=1%2C0]]></item>
        <item key="prevPageRegEx"><![CDATA[id="browse_prev"\shref="(?<url>[^"]*)"]]></item>
        <item key="prevPageRegExUrlFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}&per=100&v=1%2C0]]></item>
        <item key="fileUrlRegEx"><![CDATA[{\s"type":\s"video",\s"url":\s"(?<m0>[^"]*)"\s}]]></item>
        <item key="searchUrl"><![CDATA[{0}]]></item>
        <item key="baseUrl"><![CDATA[]]></item>
        <item key="forceUTF8Encoding"><![CDATA[True]]></item>
      <Categories />
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