PC games with coverart & screenshots/fanart finished! All views working! (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 12, 2008
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Canada Canada
Updated April 24-09: All views are now completed! Bugs fixed...hopefully!

Here is my edited version of myEmulators. It's meant for PC Games only, and will show your cover art and load a matching screenshot / fanart. Works great, but is used with StreamMP in all views.

I am using MP 1.01 and the newest myEmulators and StreamMP 0.8.448

I am no skinner and this is my first attempt after using MP for 1.5 years. This has been created using bits and pieces from other xml files on the forum and some of my own creation.

Here's what it currently looks like with the backdrop changing for each game. You could use screenshots or fanart!

Small Icons View:




Large Icons View:




LIST View:




Filmstrip View.




Your cover art has to have the EXACT name (ie crysis.jpg) as your PC game Title and placed in the following directory (using Vista):

C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\myEmulators\games\pc games

Your screenshot / fanart has to have the EXACT name (ie crysis.jpg) as your PC game Title and placed in the following directory (using Vista):

C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\myEmulators\screenshots

You cannot have any ' in your Title, game path, exe or picture files and some PC games need to be run from a *.bat file. (limitations of myemulators)

Backup your myEmulators.xml and replace it with the one i included.

The screenshots / fanart are setup for 16:9 pictures (ie. 1280x720,1920x1080), so 4:3 pics will look stretched. (90% of my PC games are in widescreen 1080p). I will be updating a bit here and there and will post the changes here. Also you will have to change the "paths" in the myEmulators.xml for the images if you are using a different directory (ie XP).

ANY help or advice is greatly appreciated, just understand this may look different with emulators. I only use this for PC Games!


  • myEmulators.xml
    30.6 KB


Portal Member
January 12, 2008
Home Country
Canada Canada
Actually, I already need some help...

Is there a way to have myEmulators go DIRECTLY into your PC Games without going through the main Emulators screen first???

Also i wanted to see if I could have multiple screenshots for EACH game that cycle through automatically for the currently selected game. Maybe using the multi image option???

ie: If i was on Crysis, then myemulators would display and cycle whatever images i have in my "screenshots\crysis\" folder every 30 secs

If i was on Silent Hill, then myemulators would display and cycle whatever images i have in my "screenshots\Silent Hill\" folder every 30 secs

I tried putting this in to replace the screenshot section:

      <description>multi screenshot</description>
      <imagepath>C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\myEmulators\screenshots\#selecteditem\</imagepath>

..... but it doesn't seem to recognise the #selecteditem for a folder name. If i put an actual folder name instead (ie crysis), then the pictures in my crysis folder will cycle, no problem...

What am I doing wrong???

Also...is it possible to have a video clip play instead of a screenshot? Like a game trailer or gameplay footage,etc... How would i do that???


Portal Pro
January 17, 2009
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Just tried this on my setup. works perfectly.
I really like these layouts. The only thing I would say, is remove the boxshots in the Filmstrip and icon views, looks a bit silly to me having the box art showing twice.

Good work.


Portal Member
January 12, 2008
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Canada Canada
Any suggestions on how to get the backgound art/screenshots to have a delay like in Moving Pictures... where it wont keep changing your background while you are scrolling...until you you stop for 1 second... then the picture fades in and out nicely...

Any help to get that same effect would be nice...

I had considered not having the boxart for the LARGE ICONS and Filmstrip... I found that Small Icons were too small to NOT have the boxart showing... but I found the screen seemed so empty after having it in those views...

Glad to see this is working for others...


Portal Pro
January 23, 2008
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Germany Germany
Exit Mediaportal before playing a game

Any possibility to hide or exit Mediaportal when i start a pc game out of my emulators and restart MP when i have finished playing?
I have the proplem that MP (and the TV Server) needs too much ressources and some games lag.


Portal Member
January 12, 2008
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Canada Canada
Dont' think that's possible... you need to keep MP running...how else would it know to startup again?

I used myPrograms before, which did seem to minimise itself, but it crashes MP with 1.01 after running 2 programs...


Portal Pro
December 14, 2007
Is there a way to have myEmulators go DIRECTLY into your PC Games without going through the main Emulators screen first???
Also i wanted to see if I could have multiple screenshots for EACH game that cycle through automatically for the currently selected game. Maybe using the multi image option???
Did you solve it?
1. go directly into PC Games ... and
2. have multiple screenshot cycling....



Portal Member
January 12, 2008
Home Country
Canada Canada
No i didn't solve those problems...yet.

I have no idea why it won't cycle the pictures...

I was also hoping to maybe have a video of gameplay footage appear in the corner... kind of like a PSP! Not sure if that is even possible...

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