PC games with coverart & screenshots/fanart finished! All views working! (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 7, 2009
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Netherlands Netherlands
Just a quick note for XP users:

You got to change the path in the xml file to:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\myEmulators\screenshots\#selecteditem.jpg

Great addition to this plugin btw!

I was wondering if it would be somehow possible to add a short description of the game as well as some general info as well, would it be possible to derive such info from a text file?

PS. for those who only use PC Games, theres an option to go directly to pc games in version 3.2


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  • December 27, 2007
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    This looks awsome by the way :) well done that man!!!!
    It would be very nice if some info could be pulled from a text file for each game. After all there is a LOT of information on the net that can be copied and pasted to a text file ;)

    I havent been using my emulators for some time as I couldnt get them working properly, long time ago.(dont think it was a pluggin thing, more to do with user being thick lol)

    Anyway I will be putting my HTPC to win7 soon (hopefully this weekend) and installing the latest MP and giving My emulators a go. Will also try this html for the pc games :)

    BIG THANKS for your hard work :D



    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
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    do you need to have the fullpathname within the .xml file
    can't you just use the skins folder ie. \media\myemulators\screenshots
    and when you install have people install the screenshots to \skins\media\myemulators\screenshots
    that way the setup for vista and xp are identical


    Hey everybody,
    i got a problem with this customization. It don't look like it's posted in 1st threat. I miss the side bar with the covers.

    I'm using:
    MediaPortal 1.0.2
    Black & White Skin
    My Emulators 3.1

    I changed the path like "DutchTerror" says.

    Should i change anything else? Maybe the skin is the problem...

    thanx 4 answers



    MP Donator
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  • September 23, 2009
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    Italy Italy
    PC Game ROMs... something unclear to me

    Do I need StreamMP or it can work with blue3 wide too?
    I understand the word ROM talking about files you have to use with an emulator, but talking about PC game, do I need an emulator? (or just myemulators plugin?).
    When you talk about directory of your PC Game ROM what do you mean?
    Do I have the game installed on PC? I guess so...
    Do I need to have all the shortcut in one directory? if yes how can I do that

    Sorry for the questions but I'm trying to understand before start the setup attempt.
    Thank you

    Sorry me but jumping from a post to another I asked in the wrong one.

    I was referring to the post of myEmulators

    Anyway, if someone wish to answer me will be great
    Thank you


    Portal Member
    May 18, 2005
    Actually, I already need some help...

    Is there a way to have myEmulators go DIRECTLY into your PC Games without going through the main Emulators screen first???

    Also i wanted to see if I could have multiple screenshots for EACH game that cycle through automatically for the currently selected game. Maybe using the multi image option???

    ie: If i was on Crysis, then myemulators would display and cycle whatever images i have in my "screenshots\crysis\" folder every 30 secs

    If i was on Silent Hill, then myemulators would display and cycle whatever images i have in my "screenshots\Silent Hill\" folder every 30 secs

    I tried putting this in to replace the screenshot section:

          <description>multi screenshot</description>
          <imagepath>C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\myEmulators\screenshots\#selecteditem\</imagepath>

    ..... but it doesn't seem to recognise the #selecteditem for a folder name. If i put an actual folder name instead (ie crysis), then the pictures in my crysis folder will cycle, no problem...

    What am I doing wrong???

    Also...is it possible to have a video clip play instead of a screenshot? Like a game trailer or gameplay footage,etc... How would i do that???
    Did you solved that already?
    Have you tried
    <define>#imgpath:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs\myEmulators\screenshots\#selecteditem\</define>
    at the beginning of the xml file (there are other <define>, so along with them)
    then just put
    it may work, if not, put this into a label what will it print on the screen, you will see, if the path is correct

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