This feature request is documented in wiki: PicturePlaybackModes
This thread is for getting feedback
The picture player is responsible for opening and presenting the images. Currently pictures are always opened as a "slideshow".
A) PictureBrowsing (SinglePictureView)
When a single picture is opened the playback time for this picture is infinite. It won't switch automatically to the next one and the player won't be closed automatically.
The KenBurns effect is not activated within this mode.
Control / Navigation
Navigation to other pictures
It is possible to navigate from one picture to the previous or the next one of the same folder. (Could be achieved by adding all pictures of the current view (filter) to a fake playlist even if only a single picture is being opened.
InputMapping: Left / Right, Previous / Next
Pictures should be zoomable. For more information see Zoom.
Inputmapping: Channel up / down.
Starting a slide show
It is possible to start a slideshow (switch to the slideshow mode, see below) by pressing Play.
InputMapping: Info button is pressed
InputMapping: Info button is pressed twice
B) Slideshow
If multiple images are added to a slideshow the picture player is started in slideshow mode. Each picture is displayed for a defined time and after all pictures were displayed the player is closed.
If enabled, KenBurns will be used during playback.
Control / Navigation
Navigation to other pictures
Navigation to previous and next pictures is being done similar to the PictureBrowsing mode.
Pausing the slideshow
By pressing Pause the slideshow is paused and switched to the PictureBrowsing mode.
If a picture is zoomed, the slideshow is automatically paused and player reacts immediately like it does in PictureBrowsing mode.
Picture playback continues like in VideoPlayer
Picture playback is paused to execute menu commands specific for the current picture and prevent switching to the next one in the meantime.
This thread is for getting feedback
- whether your would like to see it implemented as well,
- improving the concept and
- documentation.
The picture player is responsible for opening and presenting the images. Currently pictures are always opened as a "slideshow".
- This means if multiple pictures are opened, they will be added to a "playlist" and the displayed, each on for a defined time. If all are displayed the player is closed.
- If a single picture is opened it is displayed for the defined timeout and then the player is closed as well.
A) PictureBrowsing (SinglePictureView)
When a single picture is opened the playback time for this picture is infinite. It won't switch automatically to the next one and the player won't be closed automatically.
The KenBurns effect is not activated within this mode.
Control / Navigation
Navigation to other pictures
It is possible to navigate from one picture to the previous or the next one of the same folder. (Could be achieved by adding all pictures of the current view (filter) to a fake playlist even if only a single picture is being opened.
InputMapping: Left / Right, Previous / Next
Pictures should be zoomable. For more information see Zoom.
Inputmapping: Channel up / down.
Starting a slide show
It is possible to start a slideshow (switch to the slideshow mode, see below) by pressing Play.
InputMapping: Info button is pressed
InputMapping: Info button is pressed twice
B) Slideshow
If multiple images are added to a slideshow the picture player is started in slideshow mode. Each picture is displayed for a defined time and after all pictures were displayed the player is closed.
If enabled, KenBurns will be used during playback.
Control / Navigation
Navigation to other pictures
Navigation to previous and next pictures is being done similar to the PictureBrowsing mode.
Pausing the slideshow
By pressing Pause the slideshow is paused and switched to the PictureBrowsing mode.
If a picture is zoomed, the slideshow is automatically paused and player reacts immediately like it does in PictureBrowsing mode.
Picture playback continues like in VideoPlayer
Picture playback is paused to execute menu commands specific for the current picture and prevent switching to the next one in the meantime.
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