Pictures sorting (1 Viewer)


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August 8, 2012
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Australia Australia
Just imported all my photos and was disappointed to find I cannot list by 'Date Taken' :( any chance this can be added in MP2 as MP1 put all my 10 year worth into a 2012 folder!

Or did I miss something in the setup to enable this?



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    August 8, 2012
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    Australia Australia
    Hi mm

    The latest MP version (different to the wiki) has Sort By: Name; Date Modified; Date Created and Size but Not Date Taken, so if you import a new folder of photos the Modified and Created date will be the date you do this operation, Size is not really that useful. for instance I imported X-folders named as below Jan thru Dec for each year, however MP shows all these as one folder called 2012, not much good really.

    I am on Shares because the photos are on a remote server, that's all I can see that the two options distinguish here (you cannot see shares if date is selected only local photos. But as you can see in the wiki (which is out of date for this version) one view shows the "File properties" which includes the Date the Photo was Taken and This is what I normally sync my year folders by on WMC7, so my folder naming structure is <month number>_<month in letters> <year> i.e. 02_February 2012

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  • September 1, 2008
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    The latest MP version (different to the wiki) has Sort By: Name; Date Modified; Date Created and Size but Not Date Taken...
    Sort is not the same as view. Sorting is the order within a folder; view is the folder groupings.
    Maybe I misunderstood: I though you wanted a view where you see your photos grouped into folders by year + month... or something like that.

    I am on Shares because the photos are on a remote server, that's all I can see that the two options distinguish here (you cannot see shares if date is selected only local photos.
    I don't know about Pictures (and at work so I can't check) but at least in other parts of MP, shares view shows folders that mirror the structure in the file system.
    Viewing by date requires you to import the pictures into the picture database. If you don't import any then you'll see nothing. That sounds like what you're describing.

    To add pictures to the database, you add the folders (as you've obviously done), but then you also need to import from those folders:

    Did you do that?


    New Member
    August 8, 2012
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    Australia Australia
    The latest MP version (different to the wiki) has Sort By: Name; Date Modified; Date Created and Size but Not Date Taken...
    Sort is not the same as view. Sorting is the order within a folder; view is the folder groupings.
    Maybe I misunderstood: I though you wanted a view where you see your photos grouped into folders by year + month... or something like that.

    I am on Shares because the photos are on a remote server, that's all I can see that the two options distinguish here (you cannot see shares if date is selected only local photos.
    I don't know about Pictures (and at work so I can't check) but at least in other parts of MP, shares view shows folders that mirror the structure in the file system.
    Viewing by date requires you to import the pictures into the picture database. If you don't import any then you'll see nothing. That sounds like what you're describing.

    To add pictures to the database, you add the folders (as you've obviously done), but then you also need to import from those folders:

    Did you do that?

    OK, yes I do agree re your comments regarding Sort for the folders.
    There must have been a long delay while the DB searched through because I can now see all the folders and photos indexed as I wanted.

    Me Bad
    Thanks for your help


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    There must have been a long delay while the DB searched through because I can now see all the folders and photos indexed as I wanted.
    Yes, it can take awhile. Obviously the more photos you have, the longer it takes.

    Me Bad
    Thanks for your help
    No problem - I'm happy to be able to assist. :)

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